Charisma and Henchmen

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Charisma and Henchmen

Post by Glim » Sat Apr 15, 2006 6:51 am

Just to say first off, I love the new henchmen code and It is a great improvement and an excellent addition. This is merely an idea I just had:

Charisma effecting the number of henchment you can have. The higher your charisma, the more henchment you can have. This is to show that the higher your charisma, the more people will follow you and flock to you. My idea as to how this would work and the numbers corresponding to your cha stat would be:

00-10 : 1 henchmen slot
11-12 : 2 henchmen slots
13-14 : 3 henchmen slots
15-16 : 4 henchmen slots
17-18 : 5 henchmen slots

Anything higher than 18 would give no more henchmen. This of course can be changed around if deemed overpowered.

This would give an added bonus to the cha stat, when otherwise it was deemed mostly a RP stat, with only minor coded benefits.

Feats could also influence how many slots you might have. Such as the feat I proposed here: ... 723#p30723

It is pretty simple, please ask to clarify if anything is misunderstood.

Feedback is always welcome,
Last edited by Glim on Fri Sep 26, 2008 10:19 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Amalia » Sat Apr 15, 2006 9:01 am

I think this would be excellent, making Charisma a lot less of a twinkable stat-- it's both ICly appropriate that folk of higher Charisma can handle more followers, and mechanically advantageous for those who chose to put actual points into the stat to reflect a magnetic character.

Great idea Glim!
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Post by Gregal » Sat Apr 15, 2006 6:26 pm

Glim you outdid yourself! Awsome job...I love the idea.
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Post by Timaeus » Sat Apr 15, 2006 11:10 pm

A very good use for the charisma stat instead of the meager differences in cost that get applied. But I would lower the number of henchmen a little.

9 or less - none
10-12 - one
13-15 - two
16-17 - three
18-20 - four
20+ - five
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Post by Isolrem » Sun Apr 16, 2006 12:26 am

It actually makes charisma a lot more twinkable *cough*
But that doesn't mean I dislike the idea, in fact I love it!
I do agree with giving more bonuses for charima over 20 though, that strikes me as more effective than not making the benefits exceed 18. As such I like Timaeus' system, except that, if I understand correctly, henchman is taken to mean all pets. I think everyone man should be allowed his horse, no matter how ugly :P
so CHA 1 - 9 should still probably get 1
edit : I may be misunderstanding here - does henchman = minion?
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Post by Glim » Sun Apr 16, 2006 1:56 am

Isolrem wrote:It actually makes charisma a lot more twinkable *cough*
Actually, I would say this would make charisma LESS twinkable. Now people cannot make their charisma stat low so that they can put more stats into other things without being at a disadvantage. It gives more coded benefits to those who want to put stats into a mostly RP stat, sacrificing other stats.
Isolrem wrote: edit : I may be misunderstanding here - does henchman = minion?
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Post by Cret » Mon Apr 17, 2006 3:10 am

So, with this High Charasima are we going to see the rogue class soloing areas?

Tommy the Gift is here fighting Cyric.
A half-orc body guard is here fighting Cyric.
A half-orc body guard is here fighting Cyric.
A half-orc body guard is here fighting Cyric.
A half-orc body guard is here fighting Cyric.
A half-orc body guard is here fighting Cyric.

Cyric is here fighting YOU!

Order all bash cyric.

You hear the death cry of Cyric!
Cyric is DEAD!
Cyrics punch anilates your head.

Or the like?
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Post by Isolrem » Mon Apr 17, 2006 7:18 pm

hmm... yes... by twinkable I kinda meant that people now have more than RP reasons to have higher charisma... w/e

But to answer Cret, I do not think it is very unbalancing if a rogue DOES bring a team of people to help him raid an area - so long as it does not offend other rules, such as wanton mob killing / temple razing. After all it makes sense. However it is not as hacked as one might think considering there is probably a good price tag for mobs capable of purging areas (and, as before, henchman with level beyond yours can not be purchased). Meanwhile you would be getting no expereince if your henchmen takes all the kills.
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Re: Charisma and Henchmen

Post by Brodnur » Tue Apr 20, 2010 5:44 am

Isolrem wrote: Meanwhile you would be getting no expereince if your henchmen takes all the kills.
To avoid that, couldn't someone just" Order all.henchmen killmode stun" to avoid the XP loss? Not certain if it works that way or not, though. If it does tho, the PC makes the kill, gains the xp, etc, etc. Don't get me wrong, I'm all in favor of this idea, think it's a great one. I just worry that some would find a way around the mechanics of it all and go all solo monster training.
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Re: Charisma and Henchmen

Post by Luthir » Wed Apr 28, 2010 3:19 pm

Of course you realize, the exp comes from hitting the mob, not from killing it. So if all you do is administer the death blow, that's all you get exp for.
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