You can find lessons about area code and how to create one on the web page ... sons.shtml. As described on those web pages, use #QQ00 up to #QQ49 as vnums for a 50-vnum area, and #QQ00 up to #QQ99 as vnums for a 100-vnum area. The exact vnums will be assigned later, once the area is ready to be loaded on the test port.
If you have any question, please ask them in this forum, so that all builders can actually benefit from it and from the answers. If the question itself contains IC information that you do not want to become public knowledge, you can also send a mail to
There are several ways you can check that your work is correct.
- Use a text editor with syntax-highlightning like Textpad (you can read more about the syntax highlightning here). Textpad is useful in several ways: it is possible to number the lines and easily find a line from its number (that is especially useful when an error is reported on line 1203 and you do not want to count the lines from 1 up to 1203), and it automatically colourises correctly spelled keywords (which already helps spot many small mistakes).
- Use the area checker from here. Note that you need to have a complete area file, with all required sections, before you can use this checker. Also, this checker is now outdated, and is not compatible with #QUESTS sections. That means that you will have to copy your QUESTS section out of your file before using this area checker (otherwise, the checker will report an error).
You might find small mistakes, or things you want to change in your area. Here is how to submit a new version of your file:
- Open a browser and go to
- Use builder as your login and funk42 as the password.
- Select the area file you want to upload. Note that you should keep the name that was assigned to the area, and not modify it in any way (e.g., don't add version number to the file name). Uploading a new version overwrites the previously-uploaded file.
- (NEW!) Go in game on the test port, and go to room 1 (goto 1). You will find the Builder board there. Post a message indicating the name of your area file to be updated (you don't need to buy quills or paper as a god; they will automatically appear in your hands as you type "note write"). Once the area is updated, the note will be removed from this board.
- Add a version number in the description of the first room of your area, so you can know when it has been updated (though, in the new system, you might already check that by seeing if your note has been removed from the board in room 1).
- Add a program to reset your quest bits in the first room of your area, perhaps an intercept_prog resetme
- If you need objects or mobs from other areas to test your quests, add programs to the first room of your area to load those objects or mobs.
- Make sure to remove those testing devices when the area is ready to be reviewed though!
As soon as the review process is done, your area will be updated to the game and you will become a Journeyman builder, and will be allowed to use OLC to build your next areas.