reset is a good idea to me. Regardless of others perspective on this, it seems that it would be in the best interest of the mud itself. As far as the game being revised to a 3.5e system, this seems like a necessary step to me.
Furthermore, D&D revolves around your characters statistics, gauging what you can and cannot do. There are a lot of aspects of FR and D&D in general that cannot be implemented if the stat system is not balanced and regulated. I am not saying that this
reset is all about "balancing" the game, but that it is also about bringing about the possibility of future revisions and "more things on the side". As far as RP itself goes... yes, the game is RP based, but your RP reflects your character and what your character is capable of.
Aside from that, I am not assuming anything here, but if the system remains as it is now, it is a slim chance that you will ever see statistic based perks and/or prestige classes. One of the main prerequisites for attaining a prestige class/class perks is your stats. If every class can attain the same stat scores in any stat and if it is possible for all of your stats to be above average, then there is no way to regulate what perks/prestige your character can have. Also, for just the basic guilds of the classes... it would be nice that not any fighter can become a ranger, regardless of stats, or than any rogue can be a thief or a bard.
I have read some posts where it has been suggested that stat prerequisites for wizard specialists be removed. I suggest that they perhaps be lowered to reflect the stat cap if it is implemented, but not entirely removed, and that stat prerequisites be added to the other class guilds as well.
Thus, if you have plans for your fighter to be a paladin later on, then you would have to build towards that goal.
Edited just for further illustration:
Based on the stats that
Dalvyn posted earlier regarding a level 50 character... you would be able to have something like 18 in your classes main stat, 16 in a secondary (backup stat), 14 in a third, and 13-8 in the other three. So this gives you the chance to reflect your classes 1-2 "main" stats as well as a third "above average" stat. In regards to that, you could make that third stat your "guild prerequisite stat". So for an illusionist, you would have something like 18 int, 16 wis, 14 dex (guild stat), and have scores 13-8 in everything else, and so on for the other guilds. (Too many combinations to really post all of the possibilities).
This is not adding in race bonuses and penalties, so with this, it would be easier/harder for some races to be certain classes/guilds than others. So a races overall preference of profession would be more recognized.
Just an idea...