Bash/Trample - Rescue/Mounted Rescue Adjustment

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Bash/Trample - Rescue/Mounted Rescue Adjustment

Post by Alitar » Thu Jul 19, 2012 12:32 pm

In present system, in order to perform a bash or rescue while mounted you need a feat. In my opinion this seems to be a half-completed idea.

Mounted Rescue feels redundant and unnecessary. Being capable of forcing yourself between a foeman and and a friend without causing hurt to the friend is much the same whether mounted or not. I feel the feat should not be required here or that this feat should be automatic for fighter and(especially the few-feated) paladin classes being as such is there role in combat. This especially applies to paladins who simply do not have spare feats for peculiar things like this and yet are often mounted.

Trample seems like a feat with great potential that hasn't been finished. As I understand it, trample allows you to bash using all the normal bash rules, but while mounted. While I believe this feat is sensible and excellent, I feel it is somewhat illogical to have it act /exactly/ like bash. I would like to see this adjusted so that when performing bash whilst mounted(to trample), one need not have a suitable shield equipped.

Thank you for reading!

tl;dr mounted rescue feels unnecessary and redundant - trample should allow bash /without/ shield.

I would also like to suggest a feat that allows you to bash or stun with the butt of a polearm or staff.
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Re: Bash/Trample - Rescue/Mounted Rescue Adjustment

Post by Algon » Thu Jul 19, 2012 2:18 pm

I do agree with the trample feat suggestions...I do not think this should work exactly like normal bash, nor am I 100% sure it actually does. I do not have this on any of my characters that I can think of. According to the SRD:

When you attempt to overrun an opponent while mounted, your target may not choose to avoid you. Your mount may make one hoof attack against any target you knock down, gaining the standard +4 bonus on attack rolls against prone targets.

If it works like the SRD says it does, it might be something I really have to consider finding lol.

As far as mounted rescue goes, I will have to disagree with you. I live on a horse farm and can tell you with absolute certainty that jumping in front of a friend on foot, its a thousand times easier than doing it while on a horse. It would require amazing skill in riding and combat as well to be able to pull off such a thing, so I definitely think it should be required to have to spend a little something extra to be able to do something like that. I would even take it a step further and say that perhaps with this specific feat, and mounted, the rescuer would perform a kind of protective barrier around his rescuee, effectively rescuing them from multiple opponents. It would make this feat a little more effective seeing as you are on a horse and could effectively completely cover the person, as long as they are not surrounded...say with more than three opponents in the room?
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Re: Bash/Trample - Rescue/Mounted Rescue Adjustment

Post by Alitar » Thu Jul 19, 2012 2:46 pm

Fair point. Perhaps have rescue have the rescue affect against /all/ attacks. That would make sense to me and do more to justify it costing a feat point.
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Re: Bash/Trample - Rescue/Mounted Rescue Adjustment

Post by Selveem » Thu Jul 19, 2012 7:36 pm

Algon wrote:I live on a horse farm and can tell you with absolute certainty that jumping in front of a friend on foot, its a thousand times easier than doing it while on a horse. It would require amazing skill in riding and combat as well to be able to pull off such a thing, so I definitely think it should be required to have to spend a little something extra to be able to do something like that.
Algon is right that having an animal defy their own nature to jump between two loud clashing metal objects and stand in the middle of combat would take a hell of a character to pull off

The problem as I see it is that it is a rare opportunity to pull off the maneuver and that makes it difficult to value it at the cost of a feat.

Many places you don't want to take your mounts as you can't adequately protect them with armor for their available slots so they can die easily. On that same subject, do mobs still target them first often?

Additionally, when your mount dies, it's dead. There's no bringing it back to life. Lugging that huge carcass full of saddlebags all the way back to a town to store it sucks. It definitely interrupts any questing RP and the like.

So, if it's rare to see people actually bring their mounts into dangerous areas, why waste a feat? I think the solution would be to remove the feat altogether and instead have it based on the average of both skills put together. If you fail, you fall off your horse and maybe the mobs get an attack of opportunity each against you?
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Re: Bash/Trample - Rescue/Mounted Rescue Adjustment

Post by Manadhon » Fri Jul 20, 2012 6:39 pm

Selveem wrote:
Algon wrote:I live on a horse farm and can tell you with absolute certainty that jumping in front of a friend on foot, its a thousand times easier than doing it while on a horse. It would require amazing skill in riding and combat as well to be able to pull off such a thing, so I definitely think it should be required to have to spend a little something extra to be able to do something like that.
Algon is right that having an animal defy their own nature to jump between two loud clashing metal objects and stand in the middle of combat would take a hell of a character to pull off

The problem as I see it is that it is a rare opportunity to pull off the maneuver and that makes it difficult to value it at the cost of a feat.

Many places you don't want to take your mounts as you can't adequately protect them with armor for their available slots so they can die easily. On that same subject, do mobs still target them first often?

Additionally, when your mount dies, it's dead. There's no bringing it back to life. Lugging that huge carcass full of saddlebags all the way back to a town to store it sucks. It definitely interrupts any questing RP and the like.

So, if it's rare to see people actually bring their mounts into dangerous areas, why waste a feat? I think the solution would be to remove the feat altogether and instead have it based on the average of both skills put together. If you fail, you fall off your horse and maybe the mobs get an attack of opportunity each against you?
Well, first off, you only get 1 attack of opportunity per round, regardless, so not against each of you. Plus, you take damage from falling off of a mount (Albeit not noticeable on non-mages so much)

Secondly, you're thinking of horses as modern draft horses or show horses. No, they're probably not going to jump between two combatants on a field.

However, trained war-horses would do exactly that. Remember, the horses of today would be barely able to move under the weight of full plate barding alone, let alone a 220 pound warrior in a hundred pounds of full plate and his gear. Horses today are bred for speed and beauty. War horses were bred for size, strength, and 'fiery' attitudes. It's like comparing a poodle to a pit bull.

On top of that, Paladin mounts -especially- (even just a celestial horse, say) would be far more inclined to perform such maneuvers, as they have an empathic bond with their riders. In SRD you can train animals a number of 'tricks' with the animal handling skill, I believe based on their intelligence.

My $.02. I expect change. :wink:
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