Funny moments!

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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Laroremas » Sun Sep 02, 2012 10:25 pm

You say to Gwain 'I'm a bit embarrassed to admit this, but I was unable to find beeswax within Ardeep.'

<100%hp 100m 100%mv>
A caravan departs.

<100%hp 100m 100%mv>
You say to Gwain 'I attempted to nudge and poke at and to even hug the trees there, to no avail.'

<100%hp 100m 100%mv>
Gwain has lost his link.
Laroremas: so incompetent, he forces people to disconnect in a fit of disgust.
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Gwain » Sun Sep 02, 2012 11:09 pm

Just having some computer problems of late :(
Justice is not neccesarily honourable, it is a tolerable business, in essence you tolerate honour until it impedes justice, then you do what is right.

Spelling is not necessarily correct :)
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Mele » Fri Oct 19, 2012 4:09 am

Tonight I ran a small roleplay in which players could buy unique items from a mob for "five". I thought those involved might enjoy to see the "five" my inventory was full of at the end. :)

You are carrying:
( 5) a matchstick (perfect)
( 5) a cigarette (perfect)
( 5) a ruby (perfect)
( 5) shimmering emerald silk pants (perfect)
555 gold coins (superb)
(15) a ripe juicy blackberry (perfect)
( 5) a diamond (perfect)
( 5) an iron arrowhead (perfect)
( 5) a vampire fang (perfect)
( 5) an average-grade ingot of copper (perfect)
40 platinum coins (superb)
( 5) a piece of grey slime (perfect)
( 5) fresh crusty bread (perfect)
( 5) a blunt longsword (usable)
1005 copper coins (superb)

Thanks for the silly fun!
Beshaba potatoes.
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Alexan » Wed Oct 24, 2012 6:08 am

Hey guys, this happened to me the other night, and I couldn't help but chuckle.
Hoareb Nimblefingers utters the words, 'toralounsozgruhz'.
Hoareb Nimblefingers's healing power causes your head to grow back.

I honestly had to wonder what Alexan was using before he got there.
I put on my robe and wizard hat.
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Alexan » Mon Nov 26, 2012 9:47 pm

Bellayana tries to turn a greyish skeleton but hasn't the faith.

<100%hp 0m 26%mv>
Large hall
N-Large hall E-Dining room W-Large hall
This large marble hall is most impressive: the floor is paved with
black and purple marble stones, each decorated with tiny yellow
stars. A large opening to the east leads to a huge decorated room.
Tiny snake-like engravings run all around the opening.
A greyish skeleton wanders aimlessly around here.
A greyish skeleton wanders aimlessly around here.
Kitalya is standing here.
Bellayana is standing here.

<100%hp 0m 26%mv>
Bellayana frowns.

<100%hp 0m 26%mv>

<100%hp 0m 26%mv>
Your pulse returns to normal.

<100%hp 0m 26%mv>
You stop using a jewelled silver shamshir.
You sheath a jewelled silver shamshir in a heavy silver scabbard.

<100%hp 0m 26%mv>
You get an ornamental silver mace from a leather warhammer loop.
You wield an ornamental silver mace in your right hand.
At least you can hold an ornamental silver mace correctly.

<100%hp 0m 26%mv>
say Just have to punch them.
You say 'Just have to punch them.'

<100%hp 0m 38%mv>
Defensive mode set to off.

<100%hp 0m 38%mv> Power attack mode set to on.

<100%hp 0m 38%mv>
Kitalya comforts Bellayana.

<100%hp 0m 38%mv>
pun skel
A greyish skeleton grunts as your punch lands.
A greyish skeleton is DESTROYED!

<100%hp 0m 36%mv>
say See?
You ask 'See?'

<100%hp 0m 36%mv>
Kitalya says to you 'Show off'

<100%hp 0m 36%mv>
Kitalya giggles.

<100%hp 0m 36%mv>
I put on my robe and wizard hat.
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Tamryn » Fri Dec 07, 2012 12:55 am

A bandit cleric begins to chant.
You attack a bandit cleric as he opens his guard.
Your slash nearly bisects a bandit cleric's chest.
A bandit cleric's heart is torn from his chest.
A bandit cleric gets distracted and stops chanting.
Well, it would be distracting.
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Aldren » Fri Dec 07, 2012 3:51 am

Theolund flashes Nimboro running his hand over his freshly cut hair,
"He served, but found no pride in service. He fought, but took no joy in victory. He drank, to drown his pain in a sea of wine... ...It was hate that drove him. Though he committed many sins, he never sought forgiveness."
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Theolund » Fri Dec 07, 2012 5:30 am

gah! post the correction to!
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Ceir » Thu Jan 03, 2013 2:12 pm

Victory! Victory by any means, victory at any cost! Ceir stumbled upon sweet, innocent, child-like Mikynlea at the Waterdeep city gates, being lured away by the nefarious Lord Diritas Marshall, who he knew only through second-hand conversation and general notoriety as a Cyric-worshiping scoundrel. He convinced her to come with him instead, though the price was high.
A tall, hard-eyed male human gets a bag from a dark green scalemail bag.
A tall, hard-eyed male human gets a cookie of woundwort petals from a bag.
Mikynlea blinks at A tall, hard-eyed male human and gasps,
A tall, hard-eyed male human holds up a cookie, 'Do you like cookies Little Girl?'.
Mikynlea blinks at A tall, hard-eyed male human and gasps, 'Where DID it g- Oh my Goobers you has a cookie!'.
Ceir takes two huge steps forward and grabs Mikynlea's shoulder.
You say to Mikynlea 'The cookies are evil.'
Mikynlea squeaks at you and pouts, ' are cookies evil?!'.
A tall, hard-eyed male human laughs harshly and says, 'Come... yes... let the cookie flow through you...'.
Mikynlea squeaks at A tall, hard-eyed male human.
You beckon to Mikynlea, inviting her to follow you.
You exclaim to Mikynlea 'Quickly now!'
Mikynlea squeaks, looking frantically between A tall, hard-eyed male human and you before squeaking finally at you, 'But, but, but!'.
It starts to rain.
You say 'I have... I have...'
Ceir tries to think. Finally he shouts out, 'I have liquid candy!'.
Mikynlea asks you 'Yeeees, yeees...?'
A tall, hard-eyed male human gets a flask of dawn elixir from a durable suede satchel.
Mikynlea gasps at you.
Mikynlea exclaims to you 'Liquid CANDY?!'
A tall, hard-eyed male human points at a flask, 'I have tastier liquid candy.'.
You nod at her.
You exclaim to Mikynlea 'Come on!'
A tall, hard-eyed male human puts a flask of dawn elixir in a durable suede satchel.
A tall, hard-eyed male human puts a cookie of woundwort petals in a bag.
Mikynlea looks frantically between A tall, hard-eyed male human and you again before pointing at A tall, hard-eyed male human, saying to you, 'He has liquid candy AND cookies!'.
A tall, hard-eyed male human gets some hushthorn from a durable suede satchel.
A tall, hard-eyed male human draws out the herb equivilent of roofilin and says, 'Tasty leaves too...'.
Ceir grabs at his hair and thinks, and thinks.
You ask Mikynlea 'Do you like horses?'
Mikynlea squeaks.
A tall, hard-eyed male human points at Deimos, a huge griffon warbeast, 'Wanna go for a griffon ride?'.
Mikynlea says to you 'horsies are pretty.'
Mikynlea squeaks at A tall, hard-eyed male human.
A tall, hard-eyed male human is pretty sure he's winning.
Mikynlea says 'Um, um. Um, um...'
Mikynlea bounces on her feet, looking between the two with a whiny squeak, 'But, horsies, and griffons, I really like griffons!'.
Ceir thinks, and thinks.
Mikynlea exclaims to you 'I really like horsies!'
You ask yourself 'What is one thing he would never do?'
Ceir snaps his fingers.
Quicken spell mode set to off.
Extend spell mode set to on.
Still spell mode set to on.
Silent spell mode set to on.
A tall, hard-eyed male human's eye twitches and he says, 'Come back to my estate then... I've a beautiful horse, a pony really. It's pink.'.
Cast this on yourself? Very well.
A harpy's voice glows brightly!
A chill runs through you as your gender changes.
A tall, hard-eyed male human gets a sleek warsword clad in elegant cold iron script from a dark green scalemail scabbard.
A tall, hard-eyed male human holds a sleek warsword clad in elegant cold iron script in both of his hands.
A tall, hard-eyed male human blinks.
A tall, hard-eyed male human stops using a sleek warsword clad in elegant cold iron script.
A tall, hard-eyed male human sheathes a sleek warsword clad in elegant cold iron script in a dark green scalemail scabbard.
You say to Mikynlea 'You can dress me up however you like.'
Mikynlea squeaks at you.
Mikynlea gasps at you.
A tall, hard-eyed male human stares at you for a long quiet moment before saying, 'You uh... you like cookies?'.
Mikynlea clings to you and hugs her tight, 'Awww, I can dress you up! Yay!'.
A tall, hard-eyed male human puts an everlasting rainbow coloured sparkler in a dark green scalemail bag.
Mikynlea cheers for you.
A tall, hard-eyed male human puts a bag in a dark green scalemail bag.
A tall, hard-eyed male human puts some hushthorn in a durable suede satchel.
Ceir hugs Mikynlea back, and incidentally starts walking backwards, deeper into the city.
A tall, hard-eyed male human sighs and shakes his head slowly, 'At this rate this beast will have to eat bought food and my horse will starve...'.
Mikynlea now follows you.
Delirious late-night RP is the best RP.
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Gwain » Thu Jan 03, 2013 10:22 pm

Asumi tilts her head, listening to the sounds of the market in silence.
Gwain farts loudly.
Asumi lifts a brow 'Someone has been in the beans again'.
You say 'Turnips'
Justice is not neccesarily honourable, it is a tolerable business, in essence you tolerate honour until it impedes justice, then you do what is right.

Spelling is not necessarily correct :)
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Orplar » Wed Feb 06, 2013 7:06 am

Gwain says to you 'I bought a dog.'
You ask Gwain 'Is it dead?'
Vantaniael asks Gwain 'Is it a ghost hound?'
Vantaniael asks 'And can we name it Zero?'.
Vantaniael asks 'And cast continual light, in red, upon it's nose?'
Gwain asks 'Why would I buy a dead or ghost dog?'
Vantaniael says to Gwain 'Because that I can get on board with'
You seem to be in an agreeable mood.
Vantaniael asks Gwain 'Why would emperor want invisible clothes?'
Gwain says to Vantaniael 'To show off his tattoos.'
Vantaniael says 'It's an eccentricity thing. Best not to question it.'
Gwain says to Vantaniael 'Its a living dog.'
Vantaniael asks Gwain 'Bingo?'
Gwain says to Vantaniael 'You're punishing me.'
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Raona » Sat Feb 09, 2013 11:10 pm

I haven't actually played in quite a while, and the rust shows:
You say to Adam 'Ready? I think that is the turned brother there, south of us.'
Adam looks about warily, 'Perhaps.. a few preperations? Liches are nasty'.
You say to Adam 'Indeed.'
Adam says to you 'And ye will likely wish to wield something aside from yer shovel'
You are using:
<left hand> (4315) a decorated steel shield (perfect)
<right hand> (8030) a sturdy shovel (superb)
Raona reddens deeply, saying 'I would tell you I favour a challenge, but that would be a lie.'.
But that I could tell you that would have been the first time I went up against a big nasty with a shovel!
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Gwain » Sat Mar 02, 2013 6:26 am

Karedric says more to himself then anyone 'sometimes ah jist really want tae throw thaat crier doon the sewers'.
Karedric looks to the sky.
Apillini says to Karedric 'I bet no one would know...'
Apillini gets shifty-eye.
Jacqueline says 'Yeeeaaaa.'
Gwain puts on his spectacles slowly.
Casamir glances at you.
Apillini glances at you.
Karedric says 'true, bar et wid no' be right, he jist be daein' his job'
Casamir says to you 'You need.. a pun'
You exclaim to Casamir 'Oh!'
You stop using darkened spectacles on a silver chain.
You say 'Looks like alls well did not ends well for the crier'
You strap darkened spectacles on a silver chain around your head.
Apillini says to you 'YEAAAHHH'
You nod.
Casamir smirks at you.
Justice is not neccesarily honourable, it is a tolerable business, in essence you tolerate honour until it impedes justice, then you do what is right.

Spelling is not necessarily correct :)
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Tandria » Tue Mar 12, 2013 2:30 am

I have but one line. It needs no description.

Karedric says loudly 'Never drink sewer water, et make yer barf worse then a deid dogs breakfest!'.
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Anguin » Thu Mar 21, 2013 3:48 pm

You exclaim to Algon 'Thank you for your hospitality, Commander!'
Algon smiles at you 'You really welcome to visit anytime.'.
You grin at Algon.
You exclaim to Lirith 'Thank you for everything!'
You hug her.
Lirith hugs you.
You exclaim to Lirith 'I'll see you soon!'
You wave.
Algon opens his arms and looks to you.
Algon taps his foot impatiently.
You blink.
Everett tentatively hugs Algon.
Algon clasps his arms around you and gives him a squeeze.
You gasp.
Algon lets go and nods.
You say to Algon 'Your so much bigger up close.'
Algon coughs 'That's what she said'.
Lirith stares at Algon.
Algon stares at the sky.
Algon looks about innocently.
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Anguin » Thu Apr 11, 2013 6:49 pm

Everett grins weakly. 'I can't use swords.'.

Gwain says to you 'I know, I've seen you fight'
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Tyeslan » Mon Apr 29, 2013 12:05 am

Gwain asked, and has received:

Gwain has lost his link.

Halestia poses Gwain like a teapot.
Halestia draws a dark moustache on Gwain too.
You nod at yourself.
Soliene hiccups loudly.
You hear the sound of footsteps from the west.
Arael nods at you.
Arael exclaims to you 'Excellent!'
Soliene hiccups loudly.
Trageon cheers.
Halestia grins at Arael.
You hear the sound of footsteps from the north-west.
Halestia puts Feg, a bat-winged, albino monkey on top of Gwain's head with a pair of cymbals.
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Jeanne » Thu May 02, 2013 7:32 pm

'Good Evening, my dear.'

(about 5 seconds later):

The night has begun.

Second time that's happened. :) Must be the alt ;)
"This girl is...remarkably prudent...sheds many tears; has a happy expression..."

Duh Duh Duh DUT *ChickChick*

"I Live to Serve."

"Oh, by the way-you're under arrest."*Chuckle*
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Gwain » Fri May 03, 2013 1:15 am

The night tends to occur regularly after dark... :D
Last edited by Gwain on Fri May 03, 2013 2:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
Justice is not neccesarily honourable, it is a tolerable business, in essence you tolerate honour until it impedes justice, then you do what is right.

Spelling is not necessarily correct :)
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Jeanne » Fri May 03, 2013 1:23 am

Gwain wrote:The night tends to occur regularly after dark...
Yes, but since I didn't have a stopwatch out to time the ticks, and wasn't maintaining a vigil on the actual game "time", it's actually a remarkable coincidence. But yes, your point is well made...the night does indeed occur regularly after the dark.
"This girl is...remarkably prudent...sheds many tears; has a happy expression..."

Duh Duh Duh DUT *ChickChick*

"I Live to Serve."

"Oh, by the way-you're under arrest."*Chuckle*
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