Code: Select all
Court of the White Bull
N-Nethpranters St S-Salabar Street W-Felzoun's FollyNW-Chelor's Alley
The large flagstones of this court are chipped, scarred, and
defaced as one would expect of any place so trafficked would
be - but the marks are not usual when closely examined. The
long black streaks across the stone, oddities at how stones
join one another, and the remnants of taller stones whisper
about this space's colorful past. A many-windowed tavern has
at least a story on any of the other buildings which enclose
this square.
The sky is cloudless and warm and a warm southerly breeze blows.
A man in a brightly colored frock is here beside a rack of colorful cloaks.
A grinning man in a bright crimson jack with blaze yellow hose is here juggling daggers.
A leather-clad man is here beside a table covered in colorful scabbards.
I'm assuming this is a bug and that all three are intended to sell items. I'm not sure if the best solution is fixing the "list" command so it functions per the helpfile, or spacing out these vendors - thoughts?