Alternate quest lines?

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Alternate quest lines?

Post by Raona » Sat Mar 16, 2013 7:52 pm

I'm speaking out of turn and about something I know little hard would it be to have random alternate quest lines for a quest, so that it's not the same thing every time? I don't mean good and evil, but rather variations on a single theme. Case in point: Howling peak. Code rolls a die when you arrive and puts you onto one of three quest lines. One goes as currently written, the others are slightly different, say, with a different way to "unlock" it than turning the idol in the altar. (In fact, that could crush the poor lass or something, completing the ritual, for those on autopilot.) Perhaps in one alternate case the idol needs to be destroyed to free the lass. (There too, being on autopilot would cause you to fail the alternate quest line.) Maybe in the third quest line the idol is a decoy, not the real one, and in this last case you have to find the real one to free her, or she is already escaping but you have to find her.

I know this would require at least one extra qbit, but for often-done quests...worth considering?
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Re: Alternate quest lines?

Post by Trillarel » Sun Mar 17, 2013 10:53 am

This is a very good idea, Raona. Thanks for putting it forward!
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Re: Alternate quest lines?

Post by Solaghar » Sun Mar 17, 2013 11:45 am

This is a good idea, but as a builder the only things I can think of are...

1. Is the addition of multiple threads for the same quest worth the energy that could be put to adding entirely new quests, especially to the same areas?
2. Who will do this?
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Re: Alternate quest lines?

Post by Khelebhzed » Sun Mar 17, 2013 10:56 pm

Even as much as adding alternative dialogue and alternate trigger-people to quests. Changing the names or genders of the mobs involved, just some random restringing to the existing elements to create that of depth for these old encounters encounters.
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Re: Alternate quest lines?

Post by Raona » Sun Mar 17, 2013 11:16 pm

Solaghar wrote:1. Is the addition of multiple threads for the same quest worth the energy that could be put to adding entirely new quests, especially to the same areas?
2. Who will do this?
Both fine points! I can't really address (1), it hinges on how much easier this would be to do than writing a whole new quest, and how much of a boon it is to the playerbase. But with (2), it would have to be someone who understood the current mechanics very well, either being the author of the original, or very well read in area code.

I definitely think it would only be worth doing in very well-traveled quests, those that (the majority of players with many alts) will tend to visit with every PC.
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Re: Alternate quest lines?

Post by Athon » Mon Mar 18, 2013 12:39 am

I think the effect you're looking for (alternate quest lines) is a great thing to add to the game. Having more dynamic quests would be awesome. It requires more in-depth, but it is more than doable.

However, going through and adding this to old quests simply to 'trick' veteran players on new characters seems to be in extremely poor taste. Efforts on good ideas like this should be utilized on new areas and not screwing people over.
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Re: Alternate quest lines?

Post by Harroghty » Mon Mar 18, 2013 3:32 am

This is definitely possible, Lath'lain did it with Howling Peak a few years ago. Still, I am of the opinion that there is more bang for the buck in making new quests and areas that allow people to branch out and try new things. I see no problem with doing this selectively, but I don't believe that it is a profitable focus for builders because you can develop more options for all players through making new areas. Plus, as others have mentioned, there are numerous potential pitfalls with working on an older area (in particular one built by another person).
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Re: Alternate quest lines?

Post by Selveem » Mon Mar 18, 2013 6:04 am

I started writing up a rather lengthy post in support of this idea. My original idea was something akin to the RMI system we have where different parts of the quests could be randomized (for instance, the originators) and involve multiple steps, but as I worked through it I began to realize my own vision of Raona's idea would require far too much attention to detail that would, eventually, just sound bland because it'd have to be generic enough for it to work with various mobiles in an RP setting.

I really do like the idea, I'm just not sure of a good way to implement it.
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