Regarding Mounts and Containers

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Sword Bumbler
Sword Bumbler
Posts: 14
Joined: Wed Jan 21, 2004 9:13 pm
Location: Ardeep Forest, High Forest

Regarding Mounts and Containers

Post by Arathin » Wed Jun 23, 2004 4:36 pm

Alright, this has come up about 3-4 times in the past week...and I find it a _little_ troubling for some reason...

I've seen mounts wearing packs. Yes, travellers/cloth/wicker/expensive leather/tooled leather packs on their, this would not be troubling, except that it has been with ranger characters. When my character has approached them about this being sadistic for the horse and tortorous (I don't know if horses like being binded together with a tight-fitting pack, but I'm not a horse so I really don't know), they say "Oh, look, can't you see the string/piece of leather/It's tied onto its saddle?" ... Is this acceptable? I'm just curious, because I don't really think <worn on the body>a travellers pack means it is hanging on a string. Inventory, that I can see, and that is always how I've roleplayed having packs and the like hanging off of a saddle or the like.

I furtively believe that the IMMs and builders especially put in a great deal of mount/pack armour and containers so that the ranger-type of character can deal with having trunk-loads of treasure on their mounts.

My 2 sixpence, and if it came off a little harsh, sorry, but it's just my observation.

Player of Aldren Fellmane.

Post by Gwain » Wed Jun 23, 2004 5:27 pm

I think its all up to perspective. Just because we can wear something with ease we need to adress the issue of a companion wearing such. I can see the rp of drapping a pack across a horse's back and strapping it down though I could never see a horse holding a crate or such. If someone is having trouble giving their mount something to carry a good idea would be to place it in the inventory of said mount or to find ways to roleplay carrying items like packs. Also, ideas for more mount friendly packs can be sent to the builder's email.