I'm not really sure if I can ask about this on the forum without going too far ic. I have a question about if my bard character can do a certain publication subject and I need feedback. Should I ask here or send an email to applications or publications?
Publication Topic Question
Publication Topic Question
-Gilain- -Trilev- -Siros-
You do not need to change the world, merely leave it a little better than how you found it.
You do not need to change the world, merely leave it a little better than how you found it.
Send an E-mail to applications OR speak with Mystra & Beshaba in game. You could also ask any other IMM just for feedback but final say for actual publishing comes from the Lady of Mystery and the Maid of Misfortune.
A sapphire haired male aasimar replies to you 'What would you get Tanya for a wedding present?'
You reply to A sapphire haired male aasimar 'A swift kick to the head. '
You reply to A sapphire haired male aasimar 'A swift kick to the head. '