Commands & Meditate

A place to suggest new commands, feats, skills, ...
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Commands & Meditate

Post by Kinni » Wed Jan 01, 2014 3:22 pm

Some minor suggestions to things while meditating...

Mohana had a good idea: the order command should be usable while meditating. Logically, interactions of the animal (RP, not necessarily dropping/removing/wearing gear) should not be limited during the meditation process.

Also, when someone greets while a person is meditating - the meditating party does not get the greeting person's name. Meditating doesn't mean your entirely oblivious to the world, right? So, can we change this?
~ You cannot catch a Shadow.

Tycho closes his eyes as he shakes his head, 'Do not give the Hin wine, it is like feeding gremlins after midnight...'
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