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Post by Belose » Thu Jun 17, 2004 6:23 am

That's a tough one for me... either a half-elven Gypsy <bard kit> or elven Minstrel from the Bards Handbook... Bladesinger is good, too. And Psionicst with all of them if I could get it.... I really, REALLY wish I could play that halfling thief/psionicist I rolled up with my CD-Rom....hehehe... sorry... :wink: He'd make such a GREAT Harper...
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Post by Elenthis » Thu Jun 17, 2004 7:09 am

At first, I was thinking bladesinger myself. Or some representation of near-perfect physical prowess, but after a few more thoughts, I came to the conclusion that neither of those would be satisfying. No...definately a well-respected wizard. Likely one of a dying art who stuck stricktly to the teachings of a long-dead master. Sort of a 'luke skywalker' deal except not so...whiney (granted in the books long following RotJ luke gets less whiney) So...make it a great seer of visions...the pinacle of omnicience for me.
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Post by Cret » Thu Jun 17, 2004 10:04 am

Elenthis wrote:...definately a well-respected wizard. Likely one of a dying art who stuck stricktly to the teachings of a long-dead master. Sort of a 'luke skywalker' deal except not so...whiney (granted in the books long following RotJ luke gets less whiney) So...make it a great seer of visions...the pinacle of omnicience for me.
Wow.. you just described Cret.. except for the well-respected, sticking to the teachings of a long dead master.. and like 'luke skywalker' :D
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Post by Echet » Sun Jun 20, 2004 1:12 am

Necromancer/Bard. Hoo yeah. I so fit the bill. The first thing people describe me as is creepy, perhaps a little mysterious. But I haven't met a person yet that can resist my charm and good taste.

Post by Rotha » Sun Jun 20, 2004 1:24 am

Gwain wrote: I'd also enjoy being a dentist and a confectioner. :D .
A dentist AND a confectioner? You rot their teeth and then fix them? Diabolic.

We is who we is

Post by Sparlow » Fri Jul 16, 2004 3:55 am

Let's face it, when we create a character, more often than not we're exploring a little facet of our own personality. Sometimes it's very deep down and so subtle we don't even know it's there, but a little part of us goes into each and every character we make.

All four of my characters reflect a very different aspect of my personality. Sparlow is my annoying, garrulous, but somewhat charming side, almost my social alter-ego, when Nerdboy is busy gaming. :D He's also where I discovered that I've got a bit of a skill at bad poetry and cheesy rip-offs of Beach Boy's Songs (Faerun Girls, anyone? ;))

Kharifad represents a lot of my serious nature, especially after a lot of time meditating and training in various martial arts. He's an outlet for the philosopher in me. Reynold represents my slightly less serious soldiering side...if you could have fighter pilot jocks in FR, Reynold would be it. And Farlor, of course, represents the tiny bit of scientist in me, dedicated to research and knowledge. Plus he's a total klutz, which fits me fine. :D

It's funny how we can look at our characters and see them taking actions we would take in their shoes, saying things we've always wanted to say and doing things we've always wanted to do. We're as much a part of them as they are of us. Through them, we live vicariously, but also grow up a bit too. I've seen things I don't like in myself through all of my characters from the eagle-eye of the computer, and changed myself IRL because of it.

But if this game was real, I'd want Reynold's looks and attitude, with Sparlow's charm, Kharifad's black belt, and an F-22 Raptor with 25,000 lbs of ordnance.

Then again, who says I don't have those right now?
So thhhbbbttt. I win. :D

Post by Hannarr » Tue Jul 20, 2004 2:15 am

Answering this question the way it has evolved, I know I'm not a good enough actor to make my character all that different from my own personality. (I do, however, envy his physicality to some extent since it will be a while longer before I'm living where I can walk everywhere as I prefer.) However, there is no way I'm skilled enough for his speech, concerns, actions, and reactions to be any other than my own, though I *do* try to limit his vocabulary. And, thanks to everyone's RP, those things are grounded in a setting where morality and ethics are nearly as ambiguous as they are IRL.

Is this an escape? Possibly, since all forms of entertainment are to some extent an escape. At its best, though, entertainment engages us with life from a different angle. I am, to a certain extent, changed in my daily life by playing this character and having to answer questions that are easily lost day-to-day. I'm sure the character will change as my life goes on, especially as I go on into grad school - I'm starting my Ph.D. in Medieval History next month - and as he grows up, something that at age 44 I'm still working on.

Who knows... in time I may develop into a decent swordsman (now I have an *excuse* to be in the SCA), and he may follow me into becoming the Ultimate Medieval Pedant. I'll still be taller, though. ;-)

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Post by Kregor » Tue Jul 20, 2004 2:50 am

Kregor is in many ways an extension of my personality. Although if I were Kregor in RL, I would probably be more a bard than a Ranger. I am very literary, musically talented, dramatic, etc. I grew up in the rural Appalachian Mountains, the decendant of Gaels, Welsh and bloody Vikings, so the Karma of a Ranger is definitely there. Although life has put me in urbania now, much in the same way fate has brought Kregor to Waterdeep.

Kregor in many ways mirrors facets of my life.... he is in fact an evolution of my first PnP 1st Ed. PC, and some of these facets are yet to be widely RPed to the general populace.... but they will be. As such I won't go into a lot of detail in my post, I figure those who meet Kregor in their day to day adventures will see for themselves how Kregor's character develops.

Post by Alvinah » Wed Sep 01, 2004 7:46 am

Sorry 'bout posting this late... Just thought I'd do it since the game's down at the moment. Anyways, I have NO idea... What I'm suited to be isn't what I want to be :( Oh well... *grins* Anyways, I think I'm kinda suited to be a bard... All the performances and such. And for your very kind information, none of my characters are bards. *blink*

Alvinah and I share almost nothing in common for some odd reason... She is so NOT me. Well, maybe just a little.. the shyness. I wouldn't smile at a stranger in public and just talk to him freely! :shock: Brooke would be my forgetful and loud side, Klacia's as unlucky as me (at some times). Kezia almost reflects my character perfectly except that she's far too much of deceiver. *looks around innocently* I'm a very very sweet girl! *nods sagely and smiles sweetly*

-Me :wink:

Post by Paskry » Thu Sep 02, 2004 2:50 pm

Bah! I would top all of your pittiful meaningless lives. I would be,
(in relation), Ao. That way I could be all of the things my mind could
whip up all at once... or obliterate any impetuous little human
necromancer. :twisted:
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Post by Aegin » Thu Sep 02, 2004 3:23 pm

Aegin is pretty much my alter ego. I act like him nearly all the time, unless in a pissy mood.

But I also have an alt for my "Kill 'em all, let God sort 'em out" persona (actually, 2 alts for that), as well as my spiritual persona, and my "quietly plotting the best way to dispose of the body" persona. (that's me dealing with stupid people)

I tried to embrace my feminine side, but
it filed a restraining order against me.
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Post by Zilvryn » Thu Sep 02, 2004 11:22 pm

Like Hannarr, I am not a good enough actor to make Laerith anymore than an extension of my personalitly, he acts and behaves very much as I would IRL (altho I cannot speak elven or use a sword as well!).

My drow char Zilvryn is very much the char I play when I am in a nasty mood, as I can get some of that agression and anger out beating Kobolds and commoner drow :twisted:

I guess each of my chars mirrors an element of my personality...
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Post by Arnon » Sun Nov 21, 2004 10:40 pm

Being an atheist it seems to me that it might be fun to try to RP a character that doesn't believe in the Gods per se. I think I could have him think of them as just very powerful people, just not feel the need to worship them. Why should we worship people who are just as flawed as us I guess would be his general philosophy. I must say if a God can be insane then what makes them any different than us other than power? Any thoughts or proposals to make this better would be appreciated
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Post by Nearraba » Mon Nov 22, 2004 2:49 am

Well hrm..this is a tuffy.
I think I would want to be a mixture of a Druid and a bard with a tad bit more zest and more dragon friendly...What a combination I know, but I think that would be very fun! A little of this a dash of that and *POOF* you have a Druard (Druid and a bard) *hehe* :lol:
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Post by Telk » Mon Nov 22, 2004 2:53 am

I would probably be like Telk, but a druid. That would be quite interesting...
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Post by Lathlain » Mon Nov 22, 2004 12:55 pm

Oddly, I get the feeling that I'd be a mage of some sort, confining myself to a tower or somewhere of solitude in a quest for self-improvement, as it were :P
Why not throw in a bit of Cyricism just for good measure? :D
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Post by Tychina » Mon Nov 22, 2004 11:46 pm

For me, roleplay is an escape from the every day hum-drum of life. There are bits of me in every character I play but no single character mirrors me.
My characters, no matter the game, have always been the same. It often made me wonder if I had multiple personalities :| But I have always tried to let them grow their own personalities as well. With Ty.. it kinda didn't work out that way. Maybe it's because I took so much time to create her. Spending four years creating a character on paper including a back ground life complete from birth.. well, I don't know if I rubbed off on her too much, or if she rubbed off on me too much. Maybe a little of both. But she is the most like me of all my characters ever, and with the exception of her race and skills, coloring etc, she could easily BE me.
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Post by Kaya » Mon Mar 21, 2005 11:37 am

I try to keep all my alts in sharp contrast of one another. An example would be Kaya and Allana. But now that I think about it, Allana does everything I would do in her situation but sometimes to the extreme. Yet Kaya is the complete opposite, being quiet and shy. I use my alts the same way Zilvryn does. If I'm in a nasty mood, I'll play an evil. Happy, I'll be playing Allana and when I'm tired or having trouble with creativity I'll be on Kaya. In a way everyone does show a bit of themselves in their characters whether they realize it or not..Heh, makes you think a bit. :lol:

My 2 copper's worth

Post by Armin » Mon Mar 28, 2005 7:59 pm

Hmm...I'm in general accord with the precept that a little bit of each of us goes into our characters. I think I've even said as much in one of my posts. But...I have to add one exception. While Rhiel is probably the closest representation of myself (minus the evil tendencies..erm..most of them...) I use Rhiel to do what I CANNOT. I would love to be able to stand up to people in real life, and actually walk away the winner. That rarely happens IRL. Last time I tried to do it, I got fired :P Armin is a reflection of my most idealistic philosophies. Armin's ideals are the ideals I *wish* I were able to hold true to. I'm just not built that way I guess...

All in all, it's a very psychological/mental matter, one which deserves thought and reflection. The possiblities of the fact that your character may reflect YOU in one aspect or another provides with some very compelling examples of areas in your life where you may need work, or where you wish you were.

With that said....FK is not a waste of is a "self actualization" tool useful in the perfection of self through projected behaviours in an alternate reality not bound by the scope and limitations of THIS