Checking for more then one class

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Sword Grand Master
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Checking for more then one class

Post by Nedylene » Wed Aug 18, 2004 6:45 pm

Will an if Check such as this work or will it cancel itself checking for two classes?

Code: Select all

>intercept_prog molira tethos~
if class($n) == Wizard
  if class($n) == Priest
    if wear_loc($o) != -1  
      if objval5($o) == 0
        cast 'sanctuary' $n
        mposet on $n iVNUM value5 1
        mpechoat $n {80}A black aura surrounds your body making you feel strangely protected.
        mpechoaround $n {80}A deep black aura swirls around $N's body.
mpechoat $n {80}The orb is still in your hands.
Sword Grand Master
Sword Grand Master
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Post by Dalvyn » Wed Aug 18, 2004 7:42 pm

That won't work. What you have above works as a 'AND': it will cast sanctuary only if
- $n has class WIZARD
- AND $n has class PRIEST
- AND $o is worn
- AND objval5($o) is zero

If you want it to work for both priests and wizards, you need to add an OR explicitly, as in

Code: Select all

>intercept_prog molira tethos~ 
if class($n) == Wizard 
or if class($n) == Priest
  if wear_loc($o) != -1  
    if objval5($o) == 0 
      cast 'sanctuary' $n 
      mposet on $n iVNUM value5 1 
      mpechoat $n {80}A black aura surrounds your body making you feel strangely protected. 
      mpechoaround $n {80}A deep black aura swirls around $N's body. 
And, if you want to display the echo '... is still in your hands' each time it fails, no matter wat the reason is, you must copy it for each else part, as in

Code: Select all

>intercept_prog molira tethos~ 
if class($n) == Wizard 
or if class($n) == Priest
  if wear_loc($o) != -1  
    if objval5($o) == 0 
      cast 'sanctuary' $n 
      mposet on $n iVNUM value5 1 
      mpechoat $n {80}A black aura surrounds your body making you feel strangely protected. 
      mpechoaround $n {80}A deep black aura swirls around $N's body. 
      mpechoat $n {80}The orb is still in your hands.
    mpechoat $n {80}The orb is still in your hands.
  mpechoat $n {80}The orb is still in your hands.
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