So in trying to manage my bags and weight limit and everything, I found that it was a very tedious process.
Would the code allow us to add a command to look or inventory that would list the weight of an item beside it?
Something like: weight look in bag
(01 lb) an item (perfect)
(02 lb) another item (perfect)
(13 lb) a heavy item (perfect)
(<1 lb) a small item (perfect)
I understand that our character's estimation of weight is not always perfect and dependent upon some stat somewhere, but it would make weight management much easier if there was a way to do this to all items in a container or in our inventory at once.
Thank you
Weight List
Weight List
Glim asks Gwain 'Can I be on the watch?!?'
Gwain raises an eyebrow.
Gwain seems to display a look of complete horror for a second...
Gwain raises an eyebrow.
Gwain seems to display a look of complete horror for a second...
Re: Weight List
I was thinking of this too.
The only solution I can think of is a weight command so that you can hold the item and type weigh sword, or weigh pack, etc. Perhaps an approximation, since who carries around huge scales just to measure things?
Perhaps something like, very light, light, not too heavy, getting heavy, heavy, very heavy, you can't lift it, when examining objects instead.
Hmm. . . just some thoughts.
I was thinking of this too.
The only solution I can think of is a weight command so that you can hold the item and type weigh sword, or weigh pack, etc. Perhaps an approximation, since who carries around huge scales just to measure things?
Perhaps something like, very light, light, not too heavy, getting heavy, heavy, very heavy, you can't lift it, when examining objects instead.
Hmm. . . just some thoughts.