Purging a mob

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Purging a mob

Post by Algon » Wed Aug 27, 2014 12:58 am

I have utility mobs loading up the quest mob when the PC walks into the room if their qbits are set to specific bit. This works perfectly. The problem I am having is getting the utility mob to purge the quest mob once a specific echo or phrase has been said.

Here is what I tried for the echo.

Code: Select all

>act_prog p Majal squeals as her tiny form turns around to run, fading away after a few steps~
mppurge m114311
I also tried a speech prog, but it appears that that only works when a PC says the specific phrase

Code: Select all

>speech_prog p get out~
mppurge m114311
Neither of these seems to work properly...any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
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Re: Purging a mob

Post by Talos » Wed Aug 27, 2014 2:29 am

Have the mob 'mpgoto 3'. This sends to a room to be purged.
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