Evilitude - On the Difficulty of Being Evil

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Sword Grand Master
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Evilitude - On the Difficulty of Being Evil

Post by Ungtar » Tue Oct 14, 2014 2:11 pm

As a quasi-evil character, it's difficult to find groups.

Now Ungtar isn't "evil" per se, just bestial and self-centered. But I can imagine how much trouble someone playing a cleric of Loviatar or Cyric would have.

So far I've seen evil characters "infiltrate" other groups and hide their allegiances and suppress their character somewhat, but I haven't seen much out and out evil going on.

What are your thoughts on this?

Re: Evilitude - On the Difficulty of Being Evil

Post by dolifer » Tue Oct 14, 2014 2:44 pm

My thoughts? "Evilitude" is my new favorite word... :D

I don't think it's necessarily as difficult as one might think. Loviatans are taught to use their physical looks as well as charm to get others to do what they want. Cyricists just lie about everything, potentially hiding their true nature (although most Cyricists I've seen tend not to be able to keep their mouths closed when it comes to the Dark Lord). You'd never know you're in the company of a Sharran. Etc. Etc.

I had difficulty on my Loviatan, but I think that's because I overplayed the loving pain thing too much... I was pretty creepy...
Sword Grand Master
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Re: Evilitude - On the Difficulty of Being Evil

Post by Ungtar » Tue Oct 14, 2014 3:23 pm

Well, the trick is to find people to roleplay with who aren't just sadistic creeps working out their therapy on you. :)
Sword Journeyman
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Re: Evilitude - On the Difficulty of Being Evil

Post by Siria » Fri Oct 24, 2014 2:48 pm

First of all: my first character is good. She is such a goodie I almost hear the angels sing when I play her. So, playing an evil is quite different.

However, I found that the evil community is very fun. Loviatons (is that the word?) might be a bit weird sometimes, but it is always fun to be on faith meetings. People actually support each other so it's not really a problem to find a group with your faith siblings. This of course might be different depending on the faith you are in.
Grouping with good people might be more of a problem, but personally I like the rp part of that. Yes, maybe your evil characters has to hide his evilness, but imagine the roleplay when it all comes out! The betrayal! The pain! The fun!

But maybe I'm just einjoying weird rp situations.. like.. I actually enjoyed being kicked out of Waterdeep. It was great rp (and my thanks to the involved IMM for sending Stompy out ;)). Of course it was bad for my character, but I was having a good time.
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