[Public reminder] OSAYS/OTELLS

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[Public reminder] OSAYS/OTELLS

Post by Mele » Wed Oct 15, 2014 4:24 pm

It seems like these have been in overdrive lately. Both helpfiles specify that these should only be used at minimum because they distract from roleplay. Overuse of them also clogs up the saved logs for your character - if you have a bug with an item or a quest we will be unable to find it amid an overflow of OOC channels.

So remember! If it can be said IC, say it IC. Anything that is an action IC should be given warning IC not OOC. Here are so examples of the things we see most and how to translate them:

osay: The area is really tough, just warning you.
Instead say: sayto bob This place we go to is quite formidable. Be well prepared.

osay: Don't use AOE here.
Instead say: sayto bob Be wary of the use of spells that target broad audiences, goodfolk travel amid the bad.

osay: I think this quest is broken I can't make xyz work.
Instead say: say It seems perhaps this is something I can not yet do, perhaps in time I will return and try again.

osay It's +2 CON
say It offers an enchantment of greater addition to your constitution. (+1? minor addition to your constitution)

Don't underestimate the ability to translate something to IC!

Using otell/osay for friendly conversation is fine under two circumstances: Not every day, and not for more than a small rational time. IE: Don't log in to otell chat with someone daily, and don't otell chat for hours. When you log in your priorities should not be to otell another player. It should be finding whatever fun adventure you ICly will have that day!
Beshaba potatoes.

Re: [Public reminder] OSAYS/OTELLS

Post by dolifer » Wed Oct 15, 2014 4:59 pm

I must admit, I myself am guilty of overusing OOC channels when they ought not be used, or at the least kept to a minimum.

I do try to remind frequent OOCers that what they are saying OOD can usually be said IC with the same (better!) effect, but I find some are not so appreciative of the friendly reminder. There have been several times in which others get annoyed that I'm interrupting their OOC chat (which usually has been going on for several minutes). At these times, I generally just apologize and quiet down, not wishing to start any problems, or even join in, as it's not much fun to sit there doing nothing while your meditating and resting up and others don't want to RP...

Anyone have suggestions on how to handle these situations better?

OOC bad... :(

RP good! :D
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Re: [Public reminder] OSAYS/OTELLS

Post by Ungtar » Wed Oct 15, 2014 5:43 pm

Using a combination of emotes demonstrating various bodily functions works for me.
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Joined: Sat Aug 09, 2003 2:24 am

Re: [Public reminder] OSAYS/OTELLS

Post by Mele » Wed Oct 15, 2014 7:28 pm

If something like that happens feel free to post something to complaints - the channels CAN be taken away from someone and if they're ignoring other players and ruining their roleplay time with their osay/otell it is something worthy of hearing. Include a log of your asking them to stop and the reaction.
Beshaba potatoes.
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