Weight,Encumberance, and the Dwarven Snail

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Weight,Encumberance, and the Dwarven Snail

Post by Ungtar » Fri Oct 24, 2014 2:08 pm

I have finally managed to outfit my dwarf warrior properly, but he stays at "medium" load. Is this really much of a problem? 18 strength, which is pretty epic, but in full kit with tower shield ... that's quite a load out.

Are there feats I'm missing which would help mitigate the heavy armor? Should I be mixing and matching armor to stay at light?

Am I completely losing the benefits of my 17 dex by being so encumbered?
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Re: Weight,Encumberance, and the Dwarven Snail

Post by Mele » Fri Oct 24, 2014 3:01 pm

It's not a dwarf thing. Your load is medium because you're carrying a full set of plate a tower shield and bag/s but you're luckily strong so it's medium, not high. It's not hurting anything while in heavy.

You get one ac every two dex. In your score it lists your max dex bonus. You will only get that number in bonus ac from your dex. In lighter armour the dex will make a difference. In heavy it's low.
Beshaba potatoes.

Re: Weight,Encumberance, and the Dwarven Snail

Post by dolifer » Fri Oct 24, 2014 3:08 pm

As far as your DEX bonus to AC goes, it will not be affected by your medium load, which reduces your max DEX to +3. Heavy loads reduce max DEX to +1. (See the load/carrying capacity help file.) Your max DEX bonus is also affected by what sort of armor you wear, so if you're wearing full plate, the penalty imposed by a heavy load pretty much becomes a moot point. A medium load will tire you out quicker, though, but, at least for me, it doesn't do so to such an extent that I would benefit much from carrying a light load.

You might look into the Packrat feat if you'd like to be able to carry more. I believe it effectively increases your STR by 1 when it comes to carrying capacity.

As far as picking up some light armor, from what you've described, I don't see any reason to, unless you happen to find some uber awesome magical light armor or something. That's just my personal opinion, though--do what feels right for your character.

Hope that helps!
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Re: Weight,Encumberance, and the Dwarven Snail

Post by Ungtar » Fri Oct 24, 2014 3:18 pm

Skills still proc okay and all, even in that heavy armor? Most of the multiple attacks and disarm and such are dexterity based, so they aren't impacted? Only AC?

I haven't noticed any difference from when I'm fighting light versus fighting heavy, but "help armour penalty" seems to imply SOME skills are impacted.
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Re: Weight,Encumberance, and the Dwarven Snail

Post by Mele » Fri Oct 24, 2014 4:30 pm

Armour Proficiency Feat
Syntax: Automatic

Prerequisites: The medium and heavy levels of this profiency require that you
learn the previous levels of proficiency.

This feat provides proficiency with different weights of armour. When you
wear a type of armour with which you are NOT proficient you suffer penalties
to all skills that involve moving or casting. This feat can be trained more
than once. The first time you train it, you become proficient in the use of
use light armour, the next time you gain proficiency with medium weight
armour, and the third and last time you train it you gain proficiency in
heavy armour.

* Some classes start out with proficiency in certain armour weights, and some
guilds will automatically grant or boost proficiency upon your joining them.

* Even with proficiency, arcane spells will still fail very often when cast
wearing heavy armour; proficiency with heavy armour will only cause them to
not fail quite as often as they would without proficiency.

* Upon joining the Rangers guild, a warrior will LOSE one point in armour
proficiency. As a Ranger, they can possess no more than two ranks in this feat.
rank will still be kept.
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Re: Weight,Encumberance, and the Dwarven Snail

Post by Ungtar » Fri Oct 24, 2014 5:28 pm

It's armour penalty from the helpfile that has me more confused:

Armour Penalty
The Armour Penalty entry in the scoresheet indicates the penalty applied to a
roll involving a skill check that requires nimble motion, as a result of the
armour worn by the PC. Skills so affected include climb, hide, and sneak.
Double this penalty is applied against swim checks.


While climb, hide, sneak, and swim make absolute sense in that they'd be difficult to do in full plate, the way it's worded makes me wonder if that's the complete list or if there are some other skills not listed that are actually included.

Re: Weight,Encumberance, and the Dwarven Snail

Post by dolifer » Fri Oct 24, 2014 5:37 pm

There are others in that list. Mostly activities that require you to be able to have a good deal of mobility.
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Re: Weight,Encumberance, and the Dwarven Snail

Post by Ungtar » Fri Oct 24, 2014 5:43 pm

Cool. It doesn't appear to be combat-related skills, so I shan't worry as that's about all I do. Drink ale, and fight. The dwarven way!
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Re: Weight,Encumberance, and the Dwarven Snail

Post by Harroghty » Fri Oct 24, 2014 6:49 pm

It is worth availing yourself of a cart or a mount for object storage.
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Re: Weight,Encumberance, and the Dwarven Snail

Post by Ungtar » Fri Oct 24, 2014 7:17 pm

Harroghty wrote:It is worth availing yourself of a cart or a mount for object storage.
That's what I've seen some others do. I ought to do more of the same instead of packing my kingdom around on my shoulders. Especially since I took up mining.
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