CLASS_MAGES and such

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Sword Grand Master
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CLASS_MAGES and such

Post by Ungtar » Mon Feb 02, 2015 11:20 pm

If I have, for example, a simple mob with CLASS_MAGES as its class tag and set to level 20, can I expect it to ONLY cast spells which might be available to a player mage of up to level 20? Or is it going to be throwing higher level spells too based on the tag?

What's the standard on this? Should I consider a mob with a mage or priest class to be a certain number of levels more difficult than an equal level mob with CLASS_MONSTER as the tag?
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Sword Grand Master
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Re: CLASS_MAGES and such

Post by Larethiel » Thu Feb 12, 2015 6:39 am

Please use CLASS_MONSTER for those mobiles that are monsters and are the kinds of NPC's who have not trained at all in the art of battle.
Following this, a mob with a class will be stronger or rather more skillful than a mob with CLASS_MONSTER.
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