Mob AI in the World Map

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Mob AI in the World Map

Post by Rhytania » Mon Sep 13, 2004 9:15 pm

Ok Ive been toying with this idea in my head for a bit and just basically trying to get a feel and flesh it out to see if it is at all possible. here it goes:

1. In the in_file_progs, ie the guards coming in to save citizens in Waterdeep, Is that area specific, or do they go in one big folder that the code calls upon? therefor 1 in_file_prog is good for everyarea in the game?

2. Can we use in_file_progs on the world map?

heres my thoughts, I would like to flesh out a caravan system for Beregost, it being a major crossroads, with plenty of caravans moving back and forth it would be a great additionto the game. Now with these caravans they would need some sort of AI to move them across the world map, and since they will be traveling on roads and set paths I think I can swing it using an in_file_prog so we wouldnt have to update every room along that path. An intercept command would stop the mobs when they reach their destination and another could be used to send them back (maybe a timeprog for once a day for them to leave?) on their way and intiate the return in_file_prog.

Once the AI can be fleshed out i can see some open possibilities, instead of being transported from a to b, with the current caravan system, the pcs will actually travel along. Have the caravaners or merchants hire PC's to travel with the cravans and code in some random encounters to have badguys try and hijack the caravan, allowing the PC's to earn some coin.
I could even see a couple quests that could be weaved in for the aspiring merchants guild players to be required to travel the routes with their own carts and wagons, to earn the dues so to say.

These are just the basics, like I said, and just want to know if I am reaching too far, or if it is something that can be done.
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Post by Rhytania » Mon Sep 13, 2004 9:57 pm

Ok, sounds good, I would love to help so ill shoot the email off. I looked but didnt find anything saying something similiar was in the works, just one of my crazy brainstorms thats been boiling around in my head ;).
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