Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

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Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Post by Algon » Sun Jan 03, 2016 4:26 am

Acerdaen says to Gaelin 'I am trapped here in this crypt unless'
Acerdaen says to Gaelin 'someone retrieves for me the wardstone'
Acerdaen says to Gaelin 'that was captured by the vile drow that'
Acerdaen says to Gaelin 'have overrun it. Will you find it, and'
Acerdaen asks Gaelin 'return it to me, that I may save my home?'
Acerdaen says 'You have retrieved the ward stone for me, I hope.'
Acerdaen looks at you expectantly

Target should be $n and not "you"
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Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Post by Raona » Sun Jan 03, 2016 1:19 pm

103682 - Dining Hall
The exit out of the tavern leads you out onto a large platform with long
tables. The tables are a short distance off of the ground with soft bales to
sit on. Patrons sit along the tables communally, like one large family, while
the hostess moves between the tables serving them what they wish to eat.
Steaming bowls of soup and large plates of fruit are on the tables here and
there in front of happy diners. Some of which look native to the Forest,
while others look as if they are elven travellers from other cities beyond.

-> diners, some
-> elven travelers
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Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Post by Yemin » Sun Jan 03, 2016 5:27 pm

Tamina in ardeep
She is a human dressed in green leather trousers *and and vest,
with a simple wool cloak. A bow on her back and sword at her
side indicate *here warrior nature. The look of sadness in her
eyes as she looks up from tending the bear speaks of her concern for the creature.

*too many ands

Tamina's room in ardeep
A Stony Clearing
N-Darkness E-Darkness S-Darkness W-Darkness
Here there is a clearing in the wood caused by a large, flat slab of rock on the forest floor. The surface of the rock is covered in orange and white *lichens, and small bushes have taken hold in cracks here and there.


Faulinei - express deliveries
This tall and gaunt woman is clad in a simple dark blue robe.
She has a very plain face, with no distinguishable *feature. She
seems to be constantly whispering.


Khostal at Khostal Hannas Fine Nuts of waterdeep
*He is a very short skinny little man with very dark skin. His face has a small goatee beard and thick ugly lips. His eyes *a dark and shifty. His hair is cut very close to his head.

*He is a very short and skinny little man* Reads better in my head.

In Waterdeep
Felhaurils Fine Fish
S-Spices Street
There is a *the strong smell of fish permeating this shop. At the back of the shop sit a couple of young girls proficiently gutting fish for sale. At the front on a special cabinet that glows with magic is displayed a wide choice of
fish for sale.
Felhauril the fishmonger is here.

*No "the" needed
I trained up double-edged bananas because the uber-plantain of doom I scored from the beehive quest was the best weapon in the game. Now it's being treated like a bug and they have gimped its damage! That's not fair! My character is ruined!
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Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Post by Terageld » Mon Jan 04, 2016 12:06 am

Is Luskan close enough to Icewind for Tempus to be called Tempos?
"There is nothing more invigorating than challenging the elements. The feel of wind and spray on one's face and the deck pitching beneath one's feet is the greatest feeling in the world."
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Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Post by Vaemar » Mon Jan 04, 2016 4:45 pm

Humbraz's favourite tobacco:
[...]the palate. This
This tobacco[...]
One this is repeated.
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Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Post by Larethiel » Mon Jan 04, 2016 6:12 pm

I have always wondered about Sandrew the Wise...

Is he really supposed to be evil? Because he will be, occasionally.
Weit in der Champagne im Mittsommergrün,
dort, wo zwischen Grabkreuzen Mohnblumen blühn,
da flüstern die Gräser und wiegen sich leicht
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Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Post by Talos » Mon Jan 04, 2016 6:45 pm

Everyone had bad days. I believe this simple mobile is just randomized by class_oghma.
A goblin, a trickster, a warrior? A nameless terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. A most feared being in all the cosmos. Nothing could stop, hold, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
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Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Post by Vaemar » Mon Jan 04, 2016 11:12 pm

Tower of the dro in Cormanthyr, stairwell:
The Stairwell
E-A Guest Chamber S-The Stairwell D-The Northern En
As you curve along the northern wall of the tower, you an see all the way

Rhylith in Tangled Trees:
She a middle aged wild elf
She is a middle aged wild elf.

Again in the drow tower, a little bit more upwards:
The Stairwell
N-The Stairwell E-Door S-Door U-The Stairwell
You have reached the halfway point, about fourty feet from the ground floor

Privy in the same tower:
A Privy
This is another privy in the tower, this one appears to remain servicable.

Elven birdpipes (sold by a mob in Tangled Trees)
A small instument made my binding together several small pipes
of different lengths together.

Entrance to an open glade, in Tangled Trees:
Entrance to an open glade
N-An open glade E-An open glade S-A trail through
This open area is barely noticable to anyone froom outside the clearing.
Noticeable. From.

Shrine to Corellon Larethian:
while the branches and leaves entertwine
above to form an awesome cathedral arch.

His nut-brown hair
falls lose over his shoulders.

Archery dummy:
evidenced by it's many holes with stuffing
coming out of the seams.

Common room in the inn:
Communal room at the Great Oak Tavern
E-Great Oak Taver
This tree hut is quaintly appointed. There are five comfy chaises around
the walls, with a small simple bureau drawer for storage beside each one.
rustic silver lamps light each resting spot.
that "rustic" needs a capital letter.

Great Oak Tavern:
and the inkeeper walks around behind
it to serve the customers.

Earwen: this mob seems buggy. She sleeps at home all the time. If one wakes her however, she goes to the Dining Hall. It is a pity that the mob, due to her permanente sleeping routine is normally not seen in action.

Lebellan: he seems to have a problem in the colour code at the beginning of his description.

Spiraling tree platform, near the guard post:
this point, the platform is some fourty feet above the wooded glade.

Tevollian: he seems to have a colour problem at the end of the description. I suppose only the silver hair should be in white.

Shallow Stream:
Running across the forest floor here is a shallow stream, which
springs forth from a small rocky gnoll the the east.
Knoll. (Also present in another room twice to the east)

A narrow trail in Cormanthyr:
The trail turns and winds it's way eastward, and the way looks
to be widening.
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Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Post by Terageld » Wed Jan 06, 2016 6:14 pm

An orcish sergeant eyes you.
An orcish sergeant exclaims to you 'You no interfere. We take over Shilmasta!'
An orcish sergeant says to you 'You no live no more.'
An orcish sergeant approaches you and prepares to engage you in combat!

Hold up there, buddy. This is Rawlinswood now.
"There is nothing more invigorating than challenging the elements. The feel of wind and spray on one's face and the deck pitching beneath one's feet is the greatest feeling in the world."
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Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Post by Yemin » Wed Jan 06, 2016 6:56 pm

Out of interest, Why was this area moved?
I trained up double-edged bananas because the uber-plantain of doom I scored from the beehive quest was the best weapon in the game. Now it's being treated like a bug and they have gimped its damage! That's not fair! My character is ruined!
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Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Post by Terageld » Wed Jan 06, 2016 8:06 pm

Rawlinswood/Shilmista forest is the low-level leveling area for orcs. The old camp was destroyed, so the leveling area was moved along with the new camp.
"There is nothing more invigorating than challenging the elements. The feel of wind and spray on one's face and the deck pitching beneath one's feet is the greatest feeling in the world."
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Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Post by Yemin » Wed Jan 06, 2016 8:24 pm

Ah, I see.
I trained up double-edged bananas because the uber-plantain of doom I scored from the beehive quest was the best weapon in the game. Now it's being treated like a bug and they have gimped its damage! That's not fair! My character is ruined!
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Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Post by Vaemar » Thu Jan 07, 2016 7:02 pm

Partridge in Ardeep
A partridge flys through the trees.

The ranger of Corellon in Everdusk Hall in Silverymoon does not sell the boots of the outfit with the crescent moon studs.

The tanner Shindala in Tangled Trees seem to go out of her spell pouches pretty quickly.

There is also the leather merchant in Menzoberranzan who goes always out of scabbard, the rothe hide scabbard, so that all the new drow go around without scabbards until level 10.

Tha dwarven workers in Settlestone, and if I recall correctly also in Mithril Hall, have the description of some warrior mob of the Halls, with mithril armour and anatomical parts of enemies, instead of an appropriate description for them.

It looks like a dog, with short hair and enormous ears. It's fur
is the color of the desert sand.

Cave of colours:
The camp jeweler shakes her head, pressing her fingertips together, 'Sory. I'm saving my spells to help out my tribesmen.'.

Join quest:
Josah, the camp leader says to XXX 'bring back its crystal, nn. Well luck to you.'
The nn's meaning is not clear.

Yuirwood, Along a Winding Trail on the Rim of the Valley
Sapplings line the trail.

Valley in the Yuirwood:
A Valley in the Yuirwood
N-A Valley in the E-A Valley in the S-A Trading Tent W-A Trading Tent
You move through the trees of the Yuirwood. Maple and beech now make
their appearance among the oak and yew, the trees very old and very tall here. Moss covers the ground in a rich carpet of green and small, bright flowers peek
through the dark green. The sounds of bird singing and the muted sound of voices
drifts through the air. The valley continues in all directions.
The trees are very old. Also the sentence immediately after does not sound complete, a carpet of green and small what?

Female villager in Yuirwood: has a colour issue with the first line of her description.

The top of the landing:
To the east is a small barracks of sorts, where militia rest while on
duty to protect the village hall.
West. :P

Entrance to Bezantur:
The Northern Gate
N-Bezantur S-The High Road W-The Bezantine T W-Pair of red oak doors
It is strange that there are two western exits. Perhaps it was an eastern exit which got bugged?
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Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Post by Yemin » Wed Jan 13, 2016 1:00 am

Silverymoon street rat.
Whiskers quivering with every movement, this rat's fur is a silken
coat of brown. Beady black eyes dart around surroundings with a
*preditory instinct, though the position of the naked tail curled
behind the body of the rat suggests more prey than *preditor.

*predatory - predator
I trained up double-edged bananas because the uber-plantain of doom I scored from the beehive quest was the best weapon in the game. Now it's being treated like a bug and they have gimped its damage! That's not fair! My character is ruined!
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Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Post by Vaemar » Thu Jan 14, 2016 5:14 pm

Malagan's tower, a dusty cellar:
Several empty bottles
and torn sacks can be seen abandonned in the corner of the room.

Mnaro's journal
Mnaro tried to hold the kobolds away from the towers,

Sunset Mountains, at the entrance of Batterhill:
A narrow gravel road winds it's way between the hills here, leading
towards a small settlement atop one of the nearby hills.
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Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Post by Yemin » Thu Jan 14, 2016 10:58 pm

Waterdeep Selune temple ground floor.
Chapel of the Waxing Moon
S-Main Gallery in W-Choraula
This chapel which is set just off the right side of the Main Gallery
is a mostly bare room.It has a few benches set around the wall. In the center of the floor is a large hand woven carpet. It is made of various shades of dyed wool and hemp. It portrays Selune walking through a night forest, a clear sky over head with moon and stars shining. Walking
with *her, her hand on its head, is a silver-grey wolf.
(Magical) (Glowing) A glowing silver crescent moon levitates here in the chapel. (perfect)
A temple priestess is praying here.

* Too many her
I trained up double-edged bananas because the uber-plantain of doom I scored from the beehive quest was the best weapon in the game. Now it's being treated like a bug and they have gimped its damage! That's not fair! My character is ruined!
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Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Post by Vaemar » Fri Jan 15, 2016 6:26 pm

Today we are
in the Orc Camp!

Enslaved tiny elf in the Pits:
She looks like she has been beaten into submission. She has been
brought in for your to train your new found fighting skills on.

Enslaved gnome in the Pits:
His body is riddled with scars. This one has been in captivity for a
long time. Though with the way the Zhents love to torture it might
not be as long as it seems.
Orcs. We are in the Orc Сamp here. :P

Just out of the tutorial a typo on Yogg:
with prominent lower
canines that resemble a boars tusks.
Boar's, with the apostrophe.

Not really a typo yet:
You learn from your success and improve at common!
An orc guard says 'I fqn'r trbfe xith golks I cbn't ude.'
Seems like several orc mobs reply in common if one tries to train when hidden and they don't see them.

The barracks:
On the northern end of the barracks is a
small shrine to the Orcish deity Baghtru

Slab: he has common, or something else, set as his language.

The mess hall:
The smell
stale, cheap liquor pervades the air.
The smell of stale, cheap liquor...

He had a
strong brow which knits together in the center and protrudes.

The War Boss's tent:
A crude rugged bed sits against the wall. (perfect)
The bed should be moved in the room to the west, where it is mentioned in the description. Also, perhaps the room name should be "the War Boss' tent".

He has A nail piercing on his
left pectoral muscle placed, just over a gruesome tattoo of an elf with a
*spike* through its heart. In every aspect this This fiendish half-breed
looks rugged and dangerous.
Those capitals should be made normal.

An intersection of pathways (slightly to the north):
Chief Brassskull's tent is nearby, by as well as
the blacksmith's stall.
Brasskul with only two s's, and the by after the comma is not necessary.
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Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Post by Yemin » Fri Jan 15, 2016 10:33 pm

Desert friary
Fahima smiles softly * you and reaches up, adjusting her scarf

*at you
I trained up double-edged bananas because the uber-plantain of doom I scored from the beehive quest was the best weapon in the game. Now it's being treated like a bug and they have gimped its damage! That's not fair! My character is ruined!
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Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Post by Vaemar » Sat Jan 16, 2016 7:23 pm

Westgate noob temple, rogue room:
The shadows loom thick in this
room, dancing and flickering with ever breath of air that flutters

The rogue himself:
A rather rotund halfling grins at you wickedly and tells you that the best
food can be found in Silverymoon.

Tangled Trees noob training area, clearing where there is the ranger:
The path to the west opens to this small clearing
East, it is the path to the east that leads to the ranger. The first line seems copied from the rogue room, which is in fact to the west of the path.

Ranger sign:
In order to find out what warrior skills the rangers can train you in type
'train'. The fighter will tell you his list.

Wizard sign:
In order to find out what spells wizard can train you in type 'train'.
The wizard will tell you he can train you in.
The wizard.

At the entrance of Rat Hill:
Aldo the Dung Sweeper nods at the sprawling mountain of trash.
Aldo the Dung Sweeper says to you 'We all know better then to go too deep into Rat Hill, dangerous things lurk inside.'
Aldo the Dung Sweeper asks you 'You have the means to go much deeper then we, will you find out what has happened?'

Again Rat Hill:
Auntie Glimbell smile brightly at you, revealing a row of rotting teeth.

Glass of cranberry wine:
This is a generously large wineglass, made of lead crystal
and beautifully thing with long, slender stems. The glass
contains a red, tart wine of cranberries.

Again Auntie Glimbell's quest in Rat Hill:
Auntie Glimbell rummages in the mountain of things one her back.
Auntie Glimbell says to you 'Now see these buckles. I go them off some old armor someone threw out. The armor was rubbish, have no doubt. But not these buckles.'
On. Got.

Sewers of Westgate, long tunnel:
Long Tunnel
N-Sewer Ladder S-Long Tunnel
The tunnels snake through the sewers taking sudden turns. Here it
the floor becomes grating suspended over the stone of the floor
That "it" is not necessary.

Sewers of Westgate, a bend in the tunnel:
The water laps up now to the bottom of the grating,
dampening the bottom of footwear and carrying its own unique

A diminutive, unremarkable young woman says 'How handsome you are, your survival has been truly blessdd.'
A diminutive, unremarkable young woman leans forward to get a better look at you.
Considering it has been said to a charisma 8 goblin, this lass either needs severe prescription glasses, she is trying to make up for a lack of Umberlants with questionable cheaty means, or there is some kind of bug in there.

Quest of the Plinth, where one learns about the faiths from the priest of Ilmater:
A priest of Ilmater extends another finger...
A priest of Ilmater says to you 'A deity cannot requite tribute from those outside of its faith.'
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Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Post by Andreas » Fri Jan 29, 2016 4:06 am

A fountain shaped like an Hourglass.

This fountain is shaped like a huge hourglass with no top. It is filled like a
glass nearly to the top, with calm unmoving water. You see your reflection in
its surface. You blink as you stare into the deep water because for a few
seconds you could have sworn you *where* aging before your eyes.

Helm keep thee.