Unprovoked attack on the Temple of Moradin

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Sword Journeyman
Sword Journeyman
Posts: 138
Joined: Thu Dec 24, 2015 12:26 pm

Unprovoked attack on the Temple of Moradin

Post by Thurgan » Thu Jun 23, 2016 3:33 pm

Word spreads quickly of postings in Waterdeep and elsewhere.
"An unprovoked attack on the Temple of Moradin by the Red Wizards supported by the Lords of Waterdeep will not be tolerated. Mithril Hall hereby declares a trade embargo of all goods and ore on the city of Waterdeep, the Lords of Waterdeep, and all inhabitants of Waterdeep, and will remain in place until those responsible are brought to justice and pay restitution for their actions. Any contact by such persons with the Halls or our Temples will be considered hostile in nature and will be dealt with swiftly and harshly. The Red Wizards are hereby declared enemies of the All-Father, and any Lords of Waterdeep found to be supporting them in any form. These souls are not to be trusted, and anyone associating themselves with them. If you choose to stand with these despicable souls, then you too will feel the strike of the Father’s hammer.
Thurgan Stonebeard, Forgesmith"
Dear Soulhammer

Your wisdom and prowess is not unknown in the east, and so we address your
assertions formally. The western embassies of Thay counter that there is no
evidence that we can discern of such acts of violence and wanton destruction
committed on our end. Though we are completely willing to hear any you might
bring forth, with full extradition of such offenders. However, we ask that
you refrain from such inflammatory and fictitious declarations. We have made
no enemy of your noble and storied church, nor performed any proven
unprovoked attacks. Further we sympathize with your plight in such tumultuous
times, what with the orc siege newly broken and the rise in petty banditry
against innocent merchants in the north. We will gladly pledge our further
aid if you would but extend back the olive branch, to offer grain and
supplies as necessary for those in such need.

Yours magnanimously, Lord Ambassador Edwin Odesseiron

PS You might look first to your master Jarngron for pyromantic and dracocidal
actions of provocation first, before worrying about those without.
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