Summoned pets timer

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Sword Journeyman
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Summoned pets timer

Post by Thurgan » Fri Aug 05, 2016 2:28 pm

Would there be anyway to implement some kind of timer for summoned pets, such as conjure elemental, conjure greater elemental, summon monster etc?

You summon these various creatures and they last for X amount of time, but they disappear without warning. Would it be possible to either have the spell show up on the affected list or perhaps have an echo appear with like 1 or 2 game hours remaining?

If its on the affected list it would change state like any other spell , from a very long time to long time, to a while etc.

If it were an echo, perhaps something like: You feel as though the energy of your conjuration is waning. And that would give you a 5 or 10 min warning that it is about to return to its home plane.

Just a thought. Let me know what you think!
Sword Grand Master
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Re: Summoned pets timer

Post by Yemin » Fri Aug 05, 2016 4:03 pm

Would be useful for those spells that you might want to have carry things. Like horses and phantom steeds. But then, in those cases I'd rather they just rem all and drop all before they poof personally.
I trained up double-edged bananas because the uber-plantain of doom I scored from the beehive quest was the best weapon in the game. Now it's being treated like a bug and they have gimped its damage! That's not fair! My character is ruined!
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