Is the spell "call lightning storm" in game?
If it is, I have never been able to find it, nor has anyone else that I know. It also does not have a help file, so I am assuming that it is not in game.
Could this spell be added?
If it is too tedious to code a new spell would it be possible to give druids access to the chain lightning spell? chain lightning is also a sixth level spell so I assume it would be similar damage and function wise etc.
Druids: is call lightning storm in game?
Re: Druids: is call lightning storm in game?
It does indeed have a helpfile, but the best way to know whether something is in game is to check the spells list (the one you get by typing spells). If it's on there, it just might be one of those extremely rare ones without an NPC trainer, or with a hard-to-find NPC trainer, but it's likely out there somewhere, sort of like skulk.
Nascentes morimur, finisque ab origine pendet.
Re: Druids: is call lightning storm in game?
You are correct, it does indeed have a helpfile. Think I got my wires crossed between it and liveoak which does not.
In any case, would love to hear if its actually in game somewhere. Just find it very odd that over two years or so now that I have had my druid that none of the other druids I have ever encountered know it or have seen anyone that knows it.
In any case, would love to hear if its actually in game somewhere. Just find it very odd that over two years or so now that I have had my druid that none of the other druids I have ever encountered know it or have seen anyone that knows it.