It would be amusing if the Waterdeep Guard assigned to rat duty had a response to being given the wererat's head you can acquire in the city sewers. It seems like the sort of thing that might tip a man over the edge of professionalism, anyway.A Rutted Trail
N-A crest overloo E-A Rutted Trail
Grooves from many heavily loaded wagons passing back and forth have gouged a
trail. The way is littered with debris, some recognizable, some not. As the
wind shifts instead of catching the saltiness of the sea air a foul stench
wafts over you.
The sky is sultry and a warm southerly breeze blows.
A trash fire burns here, billowing acrid black smoke into the air. (perfect)
A Waterdeep Guard looks at you sternly.
The Guard asks you 'Do you have any more heads for me?'
give head guard
You give a wererat's head to the Guard.
You ask 'What, that doesn't count?'
A Waterdeep Guard looks at you sternly.
Room for an Easter Egg
Room for an Easter Egg
This is not a mechanical / overly serious suggestion, so feel free to delete or move the post if that's appropriate.