Coin quest in kobold tower

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Coin quest in kobold tower

Post by Ariala » Fri Feb 23, 2018 7:12 pm

Hi. I finished up this quest on Odessa and went to go claim the reward but there was nothing in the chest?

A treasure room
E-The room of the
Several small glowing globes of light have been set in the black walls
of this room. The ground is covered with a very thick layer of dust that
does not seem to have been disturbed in ages. The northern and western
walls are covered with very old and dusty tapestries, while a large
painting hangs on the southern wall.
A large brass chest lies here. (perfect)
a large brass chest contains:

Quest Journal for Odessa:
You found and used six strange coins in Malagan's tower.
Three can keep a secret if two are dead.
Posts: 5921
Joined: Sat Aug 09, 2003 2:24 am

Re: Coin quest in kobold tower

Post by Mele » Sat Feb 24, 2018 6:53 am

When you look inside, you see:
a large brass chest contains:
It is medium in size and would fit a humanoid.
This large chest made of brass looks very old. Looking to its
side, you can see a large decorated golden M carved in it.
When you look inside, you see:
a large brass chest contains:
It is medium in size and would fit a humanoid.
This large chest made of brass looks very old. Looking to its
side, you can see a large decorated golden M carved in it.
A large brass chest is already open.
When you look inside, you see:
a large brass chest contains:
It is medium in size and would fit a humanoid.
This large chest made of brass looks very old. Looking to its
side, you can see a large decorated golden M carved in it.
a large brass chest contains:
Quest Journal for Isla:
You found and used six strange coins in Malagan's tower.

Resets are not closing things in this area right now. The painting was open, the doors open etc.
Beshaba potatoes.
Posts: 5921
Joined: Sat Aug 09, 2003 2:24 am

Re: Coin quest in kobold tower

Post by Mele » Sat Feb 24, 2018 6:55 am

>greet_prog E

There's the issue.

Name: chestfiller ghost invisible malagantower male m17312. Vnum: 17312.
Beshaba potatoes.
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