Funny moments!

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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Jessemine » Sat Nov 14, 2020 11:44 pm

Here are a few little dumbs I've accumulated.
You reply 'Well Doorknock gis a shout if you need anything'
You say 'I should get an average of cup sizes'
You reply 'That seems good enough to me. I'm going to jump down a waterfall'
You exclaim 'Alright! That's all the corn gone!
The stable master says to you 'A blue corn horse is a rare variation'
The stable master says to you 'of a blue roan horse. Their coats'
The stable master says to you 'have a blue appearance with speckles'
The stable master says to you 'and spots of black, making a mottled'
The stable master says to you 'coat reminiscent of an ear of colored'
The stable master says to you 'corn. Corning tends to progress with'
The stable master says to you 'age, because whenever a roan horse'
The stable master says to you 'gets a cut, scrape or bite, the hair'
The stable master says to you 'grows back as the black base color'
The stable master says to you 'instead of the blue coloration'
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Areia » Sun Apr 24, 2022 5:08 am

Mya's golden coverup for a stealthy infiltration mission...
Saffron whispers, 'Mya.'.
Mya glances at Saffron.
Mya asks 'Hmmmmmmm?'
Saffron whispers, 'Can you pick the lock on the door to the west?'.
Mya nods.
Mya nods.
Mya gets a set of gold and silver lockpicks from a pocketed under jacket.
Raelikh hrms.
Mya gets a fine set of brass lockpicks from a pocketed under jacket.
Mya puts a set of gold and silver lockpicks in a pocketed under jacket.
Mya gets a fine set of brass lockpicks from a pocketed under jacket.
Mya stops using a masterwork steel scythe.
Mya sheathes a masterwork steel scythe in a harness wrapped in knotted gossamer bandages.
Raelikh looks faintly disappointed.
Mya holds a fine set of brass lockpicks in her right hand.
Mya stands in such a way that the respectable and well-toned Saffron will hide her from sight.
Mya begins to sing.
You guess Mya is casting cats grace.
You snicker.
Mya finishes the song of cats grace.
Mya suddenly appears more agile...
Mya breaks lock picks in the lock.
Mya breaks lock picks in the lock.
Mya gets a fine set of brass lockpicks from a pocketed under jacket.
Mya holds a fine set of brass lockpicks in her right hand.
Mya breaks lock picks in the lock.
Raelikh looks out for passing observers.
Mya gets a set of gold and silver lockpicks from a pocketed under jacket.
Mya gets a fine set of brass lockpicks from a Poppins bag of dusky dragon scales.
Mya holds a fine set of brass lockpicks in her right hand.
Mya begins to sing.
You guess Mya is casting greater heroism.
Mya finishes the song of greater heroism.
Mya is encouraged by a boon of great heroism.
Mya breaks lock picks in the lock.
The night has begun.
Mya whispers to Saffron, 'I just broke four lockpicks. We might have to go with plan R.'.
Mya glances at you.
Saffron whispers, 'Uncle Rae... just do it.'.
Raelikh casually shifts toward the door while whistling an upbeat tune.
Saffron tries to block any view og you.
Raelikh whispers, 'Nice an' stealthy like...' and then... starts making enough noise to wake half the town.
WHAAAAM!!! You bash against the sturdy pine door, but it doesn't budge.
Your hit violently hits Raelikh's right leg.
Crash! You bashed open the sturdy pine door!
The sturdy pine door crashes open!
Your hit skillfully hits Raelikh's chest.
Mya throws her arms into the air, 'WOW, what is that noise?! I can't hear anything over it, like a waterfall! Must be rain!'.
You chortle with glee.
Mya shouts to try and drown out the noise of the door splintering into a thousand pieces!
Nascentes morimur, finisque ab origine pendet.
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Kinal » Mon Jul 29, 2024 10:03 am

A rakish, dark-haired male halfelf thumbs his chest. 'This one's Eidoch. If you need a name to the wretch.'.

A rakish, dark-haired male halfelf greets you.

Gane uses a free hand to guide the handle of a two-toned warpick into an available loop on his belt 'Gane hear that name 'afore. You'ze tell little ones...' he motions with his now free pick-hand to indicate someone shorter than he is '...bring goblin parts?'.

Eidoch's hands rest on his sword belt and tells you. 'Parts from any wicked thing they killed violently, could be any wretch of any blood.' After a pause, he adds. 'Hobs 'an gobs are just the nearest thing folk know'ta lay some angry steel into.'.

Gane steps to the side while speaking 'Gane see many opportunity to collect.' he pantomimes removing the head of a goblin, as if picking up a pumpkin from a table '...but, Gane leave them for someone else.' he gingerly sets down the metaphorical goblin head, this time opting to set it on the ground rather than the metaphorical table he picked it up from, clearly intentionally being rude to the head.

Eidoch watches the pantomime with a faint grin. 'They do tend'ta just pop off, don't they?' He shakes out his right arm, jangling the vambrace and chain garrote he has tightly wound on his forearm. 'If you're ever compelled to collect, I still got a bloody heavy purse to pay out with.'.
Eidoch says to you 'But you honestly look like you might be able'ta twist 'an pop my head off.'

A suspicious looking Merchant walks in from the west.
Gane eyes the merchant as he leaves the room 'Suspicious...' he looks back to Eidoch 'You'ze save purse for little ones. Gane pop heads, leave on ground.'.
You say to Eidoch 'Sometimes, Gane builds a small pyramid.'

Eidoch lifts two fingers to his brow at that suggestion, a casual salute. 'As you say. I'll keep an eye out for a glorious stack'a skulls.'.

Gane points at what Eidoch can only assume is meant to be a pile of skulls, then kicks the top one off as if a ball of some kind 'Gane doesn't keep them up for long!'

Gane laughs heartily, clearly amused by himself and his own antics as he turns back to business with Delborggan.

Eidoch moves in the way of the pantomimed head-kick, like a goalie in this imagined, macabre game of football. 'Hells, you do head-ball too?!'.

Gane snaps his head back quickly 'You'ze know head-ball?'

Eidoch exclaims to you 'It's the best bloody part'a trainin'. When you get a nice clean decapitate!'

Gane shoves a gauntleted pointer finger deep in his chest 'Gane champion head-baller in Port of Skulls.'.

Eidoch kicks between his two feet as if he's keeping a ball between them. 'It scares the shite outta folk when you bunt their mate's brain-bucket toward 'im as you charge.'.

Gane scrunches his face, pondering in consideration 'Gane want see Westgate Head-Ball league.'.

Eidoch asks you 'Wait, there's proper leagues?'

Gane lets the fake head roll onto the tip of his boot before popping it up, and headbutting it back towards Eidoch 'You'ze did not know?'.

Eidoch asks you 'Rich boys keepin' the fun games to themselves, right?''
Eidoch presents his chest, as if to be a backboard to block the imagined head-ball. 'We ain't got head-bunters back across the sea.' Though after a moment, he wags his finger. 'The Gilded Lance guys should'a told me.'.

Gane nods his head in agreement 'Gane know not everyone know standard rules.' he watches the head-ball, tracking it as it lands with a /not real on a lot of levels/ wet plop on the ground 'One time, Gane see Cormyr soldier play head-ball, but they run out head-ball. Gane see them go to HILLVALE, kill halfling, take head for head-ball.'.

Gane snorts in disgust 'Even Gane have limits. Little halfling heads?' he snorts again. He seems upset 'Everyone, Gane and everyone, knows halfling head too small for regulation.'

Eidoch wonders aloud. 'I was about'ta say, ain't that gonna go too far when you punt it? Especially if it's a lightfoot's skull, the thing'd practically crumble after you belt it once or twice.'.

Gane nods his head in agreement 'M'o You'ze think halfling head too small for regulation for size alone' he holds up a finger, as if an idea popped into his head 'Gane know bad for head-ball because too small, and because eye-socket design poor for aerodynamics.'.

Eidoch waves a hand toward you consolingly. 'For all the Cormyte's talk of right-ness, most'a those Tormish clods can't tell their arse from a hole in the ground anyroad.'

Gane opens and closes his hand really fast 'Blinky, sneezy. You go rest, Gane find regulation manual for head-ball for You'ze.'.

Eidoch lifts two fingers to his brow in a casual salute. 'I'll brush up 'an practice my footsies 'till then, I'll be the Westgate game, looks like!'.

You say to Eidoch 'You'ze tell them Gane come for them. Gane kick head hard.'

Eidoch winks at you on his way out. 'I'll warn the Gilded Dandies.'.

Eidoch says, OOC, 'Thanks for that insane interaction, by the by. LOL'
You say, OOC, '1000000% is logged and being cleaned for Funny Moments as we speak.'
Eidoch says, OOC, 'Hell yeah. HEADBALL'
Technically, we're all half centaur.
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