Trials of Tempus: Running of the Gauntlet

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Trials of Tempus: Running of the Gauntlet

Post by Dalgrim » Sat Jul 20, 2024 6:27 pm

The drums of war can be heard on the winds once more. The Balefire seeks to prepare souls for the battle yet to come. These souls will undergo a series of increasingly dangerous challenges, known as the Gauntlet, to claim their valor and attempt to earn favor with Tempus. The less seasoned the adventurer, the more valor to be claimed. All participants will be given an item to improve their combat readiness, regardless of their performance.

The trails will scale with one’s seasonality. Each soul’s seasonality and performance will be kept private by the balefire. However, gloat to others about your performance as you see fit. The more seasoned the soul, the more trials they have to face to complete the run. Late Gauntlet challenges can be dangerous and deadly. Once a challenge is revealed one may opt to finish their Gauntlet run with no repercussions, sans the first. Refusing the first challenge will reek of cowardice.

Hatchling: 1-10
Young: 11-20
Juvenile: 21-30
Adult: 31-40
Old: 41-50
Ancient: Legends (OOC: all them fancy folk in the helpfiles, I see you.)

If a soul advances far enough through the Gauntlet, and outperforms others of the same season, they are the favored of Tempus. A favored soul will gain a cloak that can be used for the immediate support of Uthrand to tip the scales of war in their favor. Caught by a nemesis? Setting an ambush for your faith enemy? Need to slay an elder dragon? Pray for steel, for you shall have it. One cloak per season will be up for grabs. Hatchlings, Youngs, Juveniles , and Adults may farther their standing in the Gauntlet by participating in the Brute Justice event. This assumes Eidoch deems your participation appropriate. (OOC: ... hp?t=24335)

Tempurians may receive promotions pending performance. Hopefuls, come get quested. Quested, earn your right to participate by finishing your tasks. The Gauntlet will be open to you once you finish. One cannot advance to the Inner Circle by running the Gauntlet. Prelates, we have work to be done after your trial.

Simply reach out to Uthrand and tell him, ‘The drums of war keep me from sleep.’ Your trial will begin soon after.

{OOC: This about putting your character through a series of trials and overcoming adversity while getting little bloody. I do ask that you are honest about your character’s season category, even if your character would be tempted/or want to lie. Seasons = Levels. This event’s focus is marital prowess and casters may be disadvantaged in some challenges. Come claim your valor nonetheless.

This is also meant for Uthrand to meet more characters, rp with folks, and possibly support them while they are doing deeds dastardly or noble. Newer and lower-level characters could potentially play a pivotal role by casting Summon Monster Uthrand during a tense situation. And yes, Uthrand might have to fight against friends, for Tempus takes no sides.

If this is popular, it could take me a hot minute to run the Gauntlet with everyone interested. I will do my best to accommodate everyone. One character per player would helpful to start and a huge success.}
Between the ringing of hammers in the hallowed halls a chant rises:
"Come brother ye sing with me. Ancient enemies, go cower, hide 'n flee! For dwarves be comin' fer ye!"
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Re: Trials of Tempus: Running of the Gauntlet

Post by Kahaia » Sun Jul 28, 2024 1:00 am

Giving major kudos to Uthrand's player. This was SO much fun and not at all what I expected. Won't spoil it for others, but I HIGHLY suggest you give it a shot! It was a really cool idea and a lot of fun for a new and scared player like me.
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Re: Trials of Tempus: Running of the Gauntlet

Post by Dalgrim » Tue Aug 06, 2024 2:20 pm

I will try to be about as Uthrand later this week. My whole family is sick. I know there are a few that are trying to finish up this event. If you would like to run this event and havent, send a letter to Uthrand and let him know. I will wrap this up by the 16th or so.
Kahaia wrote: Sun Jul 28, 2024 1:00 am Giving major kudos to Uthrand's player. This was SO much fun and not at all what I expected. Won't spoil it for others, but I HIGHLY suggest you give it a shot! It was a really cool idea and a lot of fun for a new and scared player like me.
Thanks for the feedback, glad you enjoyed it.
Between the ringing of hammers in the hallowed halls a chant rises:
"Come brother ye sing with me. Ancient enemies, go cower, hide 'n flee! For dwarves be comin' fer ye!"
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Re: Trials of Tempus: Running of the Gauntlet

Post by Dalgrim » Sun Aug 18, 2024 9:53 pm

The trials have come to end and drums of war recede in the distance. All who ran the Gauntlet competed fiercely and admirably. Two favored souls have emerged. Let it be known that:

Braithe Broderick and Gilreth of the Earth Mother are favored souls of Tempus.

Rare does Tempus demand more from those that run the Gauntlet. Nor does his gaze linger on an event long. In the most competitive season category, there has been a tie. The finale will be a public sparring match, best two out of three, to determine the favored soul of the old Seasonality category. The time will be announced soon. Spectating, betting and booze are encouraged.

Syndos of the Blackmouth and Raelikh of Tempus shall spar for the favored soul title.
Between the ringing of hammers in the hallowed halls a chant rises:
"Come brother ye sing with me. Ancient enemies, go cower, hide 'n flee! For dwarves be comin' fer ye!"
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Re: Trials of Tempus: Running of the Gauntlet

Post by Dalgrim » Thu Aug 22, 2024 10:24 pm

Syndos of the Blackmouth and Raelikh of Tempus shall spar for the favored soul title in the plains just northwest of Daggerford. Come cheer, bet, drink, and celebrate their impressive Gauntlet run.

  • Best two out of three(OOC: killmode stun)
  • All skills, tricks, items, and potions allowed
  • One pre-round potion allowed
  • Winner of each round cannot use the same weapon they started the round with

8 pm EST 8/29/2024
Time and Date
Between the ringing of hammers in the hallowed halls a chant rises:
"Come brother ye sing with me. Ancient enemies, go cower, hide 'n flee! For dwarves be comin' fer ye!"
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Re: Trials of Tempus: Running of the Gauntlet

Post by Dalgrim » Sat Aug 31, 2024 5:19 pm

Before the gaze of Tempus and gathered spectators, steel rang and war drums sounded. Both of the honored duelist offered their blood and that of their opponent's with zeal, valor, and honor. After the three rounds of sparring, an armory of weapons used, and a display of two masters of their craft, a victor emerged.

Let it be known that Syndos of the Blackmouth is the champion of the Gauntlet and a favored soul of Tempus.
Between the ringing of hammers in the hallowed halls a chant rises:
"Come brother ye sing with me. Ancient enemies, go cower, hide 'n flee! For dwarves be comin' fer ye!"
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