Groups of Publications

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Groups of Publications

Post by Telk » Mon Nov 22, 2004 2:18 am

I was reading this thread: ... php?t=2964

And in it is mentioned submitting publications in groups.

So, my question is: Should you send in each publication with separate emails, or should you send all the publications you currently have in one email?
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Post by Gratey » Mon Nov 22, 2004 3:33 am

In my publication experience I sent in poems in with one email and they were published in the same book so I would...

(Name of book)
*books contents and everything else*

Then put in #new book# or something

then put the other book

Just wanted to put my two cents in correct me in a differnt way to do it if its not up to par
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Post by Telk » Mon Nov 22, 2004 7:53 pm

What about if you have two totally different short stories for the game?
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Post by Telk » Mon Nov 22, 2004 10:20 pm

So if you want two stories put into one then send it in the same email?
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Post by Gratey » Mon Nov 22, 2004 10:25 pm

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Post by Telk » Mon Nov 22, 2004 10:31 pm

Sorry for my incompetence in the matter and that I keep asking questions :S Would it be easier for the editers and coders that put the books in game if you had lets say 3-4 different books that you want each published separately, to put them all in one email, and note that you want them each in different books (lengthy stories), or would it be easier to the coders if you just sent in each publication in different emails?

Post by Tychina » Sat Jun 18, 2005 8:57 pm

I know this thread was meant to be locked, but it has not been yet, and as my questions are sort of on the same topic, I thought to post them here rather then start a new thread. I am sorry if I should not have posted here.

My questions are, 1. When submitting poems, each chapter is a 20 line limit, does that mean we cannot write a poem more then 20 lines long, or do we just to "divide" the poem at some place so it goes into two chapters of the book? 2. I know to type it up in notepad, and from asking on question, I know that the carriage return thing means to hit enter at the end of each line, I know not to use word wrap. But I can't seem to find out what font to use. Font Name (Lucinda, ariel etc) Font Style (regular, italic, etc) Font size (10, 11, etc). I did try asking this also, but I think maybe I did not explain myself too clearly. In notepad (mine atleast) at the top, you can click FORMAT, and it gives you the three options of Font name, style, and size. This is what I need to know which to use.

Thanks, and again Sorry if I should not have posted here.
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Post by Hviti » Sat Jun 18, 2005 9:56 pm

No idea if this is right, since I've only submitted one book (and I haven't gotten any rejection or anything on it yet, though it isn't published, so I can't tell if this is correct), but in the art request thread in General Discussion Dalvyn said to used Courier for the art so it looked the same in notepad as in game. Therefore I assume that Courier would work for publications. (At least I hope so, since I sent mine in in that :oops: )

Hviti, master of run on sentences, parentheses, and disclaimers
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Post by Beshaba » Sat Jun 18, 2005 10:03 pm

Okay, I will answer a few questions here.

As for different stories in different books, a lot of that will depend on the length of each story, if it is less than five chapters, I am afraid it is going to have to be combined. We have a serious shortage of vnums right now and the only thing that will be published in different books is if there is a poem, song, or story written about another PC. I understand how the writer may want to break things up, but we need to take other things in to consideration, and we do not have an infinite number of vnums to use for books.

Poems, stories, and songs can be more than twenty lines in length, but I am asking that you break it up where it is logical to break for ease of publication. If you do not put in logical breaks, I put in the breaks where I think make sense. This might not be where a break should be, so it is best if you note it yourself by putting in the break for me.

As for font and the other questions, it should be in plain text, which means you need to use the default settings for Notepad. Size should be 10, text should be plain (no italics or bold), I believe the font itself is Lucinda Console as a default. It needs to be absolutely plain, if it needs reformatting, I will simply send it back.

Also, please make sure that there are no spelling or glaring grammatical errors. If I find more then three spelling errors or glaring grammatical problems, I will simply send it back and tell you to fix it.