Time to pray

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Time to pray

Post by Argentia » Sat Dec 11, 2004 11:36 pm

It is my understanding that priests find a certain time during the day/night to pray for their spells, ie a priest of Lathandar praying at sunrise.

My question is this, does this limit the spells the priest can use during the day? I'm a bit confused about this. Does the priest choose certain spells, a bit like a wizard memorizes, at that time of the day? Or does it mean that you should not meditate except during the alotted time of prayer?

Or, is the time of prayer just a reverance to their God(dess) and thanks for their Diety granting them the spells? Or am I just mistaken about the whole thing? :D Thank you for any help!
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Post by Mele » Sat Dec 11, 2004 11:45 pm

Priests do not have any time constraints on when they can use their spells unless the spell specifically itself has a time constraint.

Praying to your god/dess for your spells beyond the simple c 'spell' thing is a part of every characters individual roleplay. A Selunite could pray at the rise of the moon for their spells for the day, or in thanks for their spells. Lathanderite at dawn, Cyrists over a freshly murdered body.. :P etc. :) How you pray in thanks for your spells is pure RP.

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Post by Argentia » Sun Dec 12, 2004 12:54 am

Right, and sorry if I was vague... What I meant was more what the purpose of that praying is? Sorry! But thanks! =)
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Post by Mele » Sun Dec 12, 2004 3:08 am

Part of being a Priest is great devotion to your god. Above that of any other class of follower. You do rituals have prayers etc. Just like Priests irl of all faiths have all sorts of rituals and go to chruch and pray every day. The time of prayer, is to pray. In thanks, for help, to inform your God/dess of things. So on.

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Post by Talamar » Sun Dec 12, 2004 3:37 am

Mele is right, but I just wanted to add, that while it's not run this way in FK due to keeping gameplay and flow moving, that yes in the Forgotten Realms novels, and D&D pen and paper game, that Priests must pray for their spells once a day, usually at a certain time for their faith.

As was mentioned Lathanderites generally pray at Dawn, Selunites at the rising of the Moon, Maskites generally at Midnight, etc etc.
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Post by Mele » Sun Dec 12, 2004 3:04 pm

I mentioned that that was individual RP in my first reply. :) Some Lathanderites to pray with the dawn echos, some Selunites with full moons, etc. All up to your rp.
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Post by Argentia » Sun Dec 12, 2004 8:07 pm

Of course a priest should always be RPed praying to their diety, it just wouldn't make sense otherwise. :wink: So, the praying at a certain time is just RP and does not really govern the spells that are cast and how many, at least in this MUD. Thanks! =)
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