What is bad Roleplay?

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Post by Zilvryn » Fri Dec 17, 2004 5:45 pm

yeh I queryed this recently with an IMM and apparantly you can only loot if you were grouped and involved in the PK yourself, you cannot loot a corpse that you come across in the wilderness (as far as I am aware..)
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Post by Granger » Fri Dec 17, 2004 6:35 pm

What I think of the game trying to be as realistic as possible, if you were to come across a dead body in the forest and they had something on that you wanted and you were a jackel of some sort a thief or just a evil person that wanted it for yourself they would take it off the body. I think it should be limited to maybe one to two items though. Because as you have your lions and such there is always a vulture and a jackel around to get anything else.

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Post by Exer » Fri Dec 17, 2004 7:08 pm

One last thing to note, if you do kill a pet (again not the nicest of things to do) you can only take one or two items from it!! The same PK rules apply, so no raiding the whole pack.
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Post by Algon » Fri Dec 17, 2004 7:55 pm

As far as the whole taking advantage of "Newbie" players. I would suggest that if you see such thing happening to say so on question and let the proper people check it out and see if what is going on is within the rules.
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Post by Argentia » Sat Dec 18, 2004 1:07 am

Thanks Algon. I mentioned it to the person OOC, but if I see it again I'll be sure to question to see if an imm is online and let them handle it. That's what they're there for. =)
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Everything Zen, I don't think so

Post by Micheal » Sat Dec 18, 2004 11:58 am

Try not to be greedy in your evil. If you are going to steal candy from a baby, don't then kill the baby.

If you steal from a mount, you may only steal one item or coins. One or the other. If you take the pack, you must put it back. If you kill a mount, you cannot steal from it.

I have never been for killing newbies, now, if you want to hijack them, that is another thing. If the person does something stupid like run off, let them go, they are obviously too new. Anyone that has been playing the game long enough will just take to being mugged and rebuild. No quest items and don't break their bank. If they are wearing mainly plain equiment, treat them better. Just show them who is boss and leave it at that. Don't steal anything. If they are wearing plain equipment and a quest item they are fair game.

Being evil is like fishing. You want to catch fish, but you don't want to dynamite a pond. Leave some fish for catching later.

I know how a real evil person would do things, it doesn't matter. Like we said much earlier in the game we don't want certain crime in the game, it is just too ugly to deal with. We live in a world of crap, let us not dirty up this one the same.

If you don't like dealing with the very little evil I can do with my hands tied as much as they are, there is a city where even I cannot go. Go there and make some muffins.

And be nice to your evil neighbor, if they were not defined as evil, how could you define yourself as good?
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What is bad Roleplay?

Post by Nysan » Sun Dec 19, 2004 9:35 pm

Agree, disagree, something like that. We come to this game to feel something different than real life. We don't need the crime rate and type of crimes to match real life exactly, that would be bad. Be nice to folks in plain armor when possible (or ignore them if you are having a bad day or don't have the patience :) ) If its your nature to steal/kill, feel free. Thats what you do. Smack around other players, move mounts/pets, kill mounts someone leaves on the High Road, ect. It's playing your character. But be responsible and follow up. Don't strip the corpse dry, thats just not cool. If its a lowbie, be creative (or mildly helpful). From time to time I have moved one of my recent kills, or some random corpse I find to easily accessable area for quick corpse retrieval by lowbies or their friends (followed by an amulet chat with some good person about its location). Not really in my nature, but its a small way I help the young folks. Simply actions and considerations following your 'evil' acts goes a long ways.
Be yourselves, by all means. But also be understandable. We want new people to come back, not leave because you thought it would be funny to kill and strip something. My thoughts, take them as you will.

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Post by Zach » Tue Dec 21, 2004 8:53 pm

Good points Michael....

If you are evil....and you want something from someone...steal it...if you want more.....demand it...don't just kill them...if they don't....be evil...make there life hard...not by killing them...use the tell command...be a constant pest in there head...use smotes! play like you kicked his/her but...dont' just kill them...evil people don't kill...psychos kill...and playing a psycho is hard...unless you have first hand experanc!!!! muahahahaha ::cough cough::
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Post by Kirkus » Tue Dec 21, 2004 9:00 pm

Being a constant pest in someone's head isn't really cool either. In my opinion. To me thats just annoying, and not really evil. Plus it can come accross as spammy or as harassment.
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Post by Zach » Tue Dec 21, 2004 9:06 pm

harassment...that is evil...and i don't mean send them a tell every free moment of the day...just a reminder that they are a coward and never amount to anything...every once in a long while...evil like...not pest like...or spammy like
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Post by Telk » Tue Dec 21, 2004 9:17 pm

I think Kirkus was talking more OOC harassment, making a player feel uncomfortable etc.
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Post by Algon » Tue Dec 21, 2004 9:28 pm

I believe that any type of OOC harassment is strictly forbidden. Let the IMMs know if you come across such and they will deal with it.
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Post by Zach » Tue Dec 21, 2004 9:33 pm

that is ture if it was done often. but i'm not talking about doing it every all the time...just from time to time...but all tells aside...what about not having to PK at all? unless in extream RP? Or how about not letting someone PK unless you have enough Kismet?

Some people abuse the PK and such...an evil char does not just kill you cause you have bad cloths or what not...

I know some races and gods say it is very favored for someone to kill another race or follower of a rival god...and you can't unless you have enough kismet....use the time gaining kismet by learning about the other god or what not...::shrugs:: i dont' know....i have no evil chars
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Post by Zilvryn » Tue Dec 21, 2004 9:36 pm

i personally have never been a victim of or witness a PK that was not RPed out sufficiently...

In my eyes the PK systems works fine currently, why change it?
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Post by Telk » Tue Dec 21, 2004 9:50 pm

Zach, on the restrictions of pkill, you can't pkill until you are level 10 and up.
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Post by Argentia » Tue Dec 21, 2004 10:51 pm

Personally, I think the guidelines the vet evils have laid down here, like Nysan and Michael, are great to follow. I think the PK policy is fine just the way it is, it is just that people need to have more responsibility in RPing their evils. Evil is not an excuse to have a free-for-all on other people's equipment, and it is not an excuse to act the way you want to act without regard to the rules, both IC and OOC.

If you see people acting with blatant disregard or ignorance of the guidelines set forth for evils, I strongly urge you to refer them to the proper resources or ask an imm for help.

Also, is there a formal write-up of guidelines for evil roleplay? If not, could one be created and posted somewhere that would be easily accessed, so there is no excuse for people to be ignorant of them?
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Post by Hrosskell » Thu Dec 23, 2004 3:43 am

How do you guideline chaos? It's too hard and it limits roleplay. They've already got crime rules set up, to where you can't loot a whole person and anyone who is a good player won't take the best EQ someone has. Hross has died against a Cyricist who could've taken his best stuff, but didn't - roleplay meaningful, not twinkerly. If you're gonna steal, do it. If you're gonna murder, do it. Just watch who you do it to and to what extent you do it.
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Post by Fayona » Thu Dec 23, 2004 3:06 pm

Just because they have crime rules setup does not mean that your can not act evil...Plus think about it...if you actully in real life murdered a person would you have time to loot everything? Would you be able to carry the weight of everything? An maybe just because somthing might be worth alot to you isnt worth alot to another person..it could be less..or another iteam could be better for them, Do you see a orc killing a elf then taking her magical hairbrush? First, orcs dont really like magic..and secound what use would a hairbrush do? He probaly would rather take somthing more vaule to HIM. Just my thoughts... :)
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Post by Mele » Thu Dec 23, 2004 7:27 pm

Not quite.

Taking the magical hairbrush causes pain towards the already murdered elf.

Wearing the prized item for the elf to see is to toy with their emotions.

Every action an evil has should be for a reason they see fit. Not all roleplay is immediately understandable. That's what makes roleplay interesting.

Looting an item from a corpse should not be simply because it's an item you want for you character. Though that is a reason with good enough rp, it is certainly not the only option.

If someone is looting an entire corpse then it should be emailed to complaints and dealt with by the staff, as that in itself is against the rules.

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Post by Fayona » Thu Dec 23, 2004 7:39 pm

Ah..very good point Danica I didnt really think about it that way, with the whole toying with emotion and everything..sorry didnt quiet think that part threw all the way.
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