Replacing Lost Symbols of Faith..

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Replacing Lost Symbols of Faith..

Post by Nysan » Mon Dec 20, 2004 2:37 am

I came across this problem with one of my younger characters and noticed it in some other players as well. Should a young priest(ess) not in a faith die, the generic symbol of faith stays with their corpse instead of going where ever the priest(ess) goes. The faith symbols stay with the priest(ess) in faiths so they do not encounter the problem. My question is, if the corpse is unretrievable, is there a way for a young priest(ess) to get a new one? I know wizards can buy new spellbooks and warriors/rogues can get new daggers, ect. But I have never seen a place for young priest to gain a new symbol. Thoughts?

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Post by Ursan » Mon Dec 20, 2004 7:41 am

There are items within the game that a priest lacking a symbol of faith can use in its place.

This applies equally to a faithed character that may have lost their symbol through it taking damage.

Players should be able to find these items ICly by asking around
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