Brew and scribe

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Sword Journeyman
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Brew and scribe

Post by Legault » Sun Feb 20, 2005 5:08 pm

For a moment, I thought that this would go under trades, but I tried this forum first-

A priest starts out before being accepted into any faith, being able to scribe and brew at a higher level. Now, if you look at the skill/spell list on the cleric of Mielikki page, you are not able to brew or scribe. I am comparing this from when you type skills as a young priest, to the page on Mielikki.
Legault, Kesno, Balmek, Nezbit
Sword Journeyman
Sword Journeyman
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Post by Lea » Sun Feb 20, 2005 7:36 pm

Those pages have not been updated for the new changes. Everything that the unfaithed preists get you will keep when you join your faith.
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