Dual Backstab

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Sword Grand Master
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Post by Balek » Sun Feb 27, 2005 9:35 pm

I don't understand why you insist on arguing when we seem to have settled on the fact that thieves could use a little boost.
It wasn't apparent to me that we had arrived at that conclusion. I was responding to Ciele's post in which she said that thieves should rely on their personality to get them into groups, as well as your post in which you said that Ciele's post summed up your ideas.
Why complain about the "limited" spells you can have when you can essentially put any spell into a scroll?
I'm not. I'm pointing out that despite the benefits thieves get from this skill, it's not enough to balance the class. In no way am I complaining about the usefulness of the Use Magic Device skill, and if it came across that way then I apologize.

That said, I do not advocate adding enhanced damage to the thief's skill list. I think it would be more appropriate to remove it from the fighter's list, but that's a topic of discussion best suited for another thread.

Post by Ciele » Mon Feb 28, 2005 7:53 am

No, actually, I think I also said that circle stab or somesuch would be a good idea. In fact, I even remember misspelling it ;) I just said that combat isn't the only thing on this MUD, thank goodness. But yes, I think an element of flanking is IC for thieves. It makes a lot of sense that when opponents are distracted in battle then a thief should be able to melt into the shadows and reappear with a dagger between an enemy's shoulderblades. And if anyone decides to play a character who is not personable on an RP MUD that's their own choice to make, but it would preclude fighters and mages and priests from grouping just as much as thieves

What we're coming to, perhaps, is the conclusion that thieves are well-rounded characters. They don't excel at anything but they can do a little bit of everything, and I think it's great that there's a class like that on the MUD.
Sword Grand Master
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Post by Tyr » Mon Feb 28, 2005 3:23 pm

Dual Backstab: Saved for prestige class.
Enhanced damage: forget it.
Circle Stab: Slightly enhanced/fixed to allow for more circles per opponent.

The idea behind circle stab and backstab is that combined they somewhat simulate the 3rd ed sneak attack. We have a little more realism that comes with a pro and a con. The pro being more damage on the first attack while undetected. The con is that after the first couple attacks the victim gets wary and they become harder.

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