Need information on Selune's Oracles

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Need information on Selune's Oracles

Post by Maynawe » Sat Mar 26, 2005 1:25 pm

I recently created a new alt that is a priest, and was wondering if I could get some information about Selune's Oracles before I go through the process of joining the faith. I have tried located the Silverstar a few times, but I think the timing is off. I am always busy with certain things on my other alts when she comes on, and for the sake of RP purposes cannot get away. Any info would be appreciated.
Posts: 5933
Joined: Sat Aug 09, 2003 2:24 am

Post by Mele » Sat Mar 26, 2005 1:30 pm

I'm around pretty often, if your title is hopeful of Selune, I tend to alt hop to rp with those people so will very likely come on as Lunette rp it out. Definately something I'd rather RP out. :D
Beshaba potatoes.
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