Raise dead/Resurrection discussion

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Post by Timaeus » Tue Apr 12, 2005 7:07 pm

This topic has been brought up in another thread actually.

http://www.forgottenkingdoms.com/board/ ... php?t=2130
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Post by Isolrem » Tue Apr 12, 2005 7:49 pm

Hmm, I've been wondering about that myself.
I suppose nudity is RPed in cases of resurrection and reincarnation but not in raise dead...
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Post by Gwain » Tue Apr 12, 2005 11:03 pm

It's all up to what you the character feel should be adressed. In my experience the return of the living from the dead is enough to make you forget little details like clothing. But it is different for everyone.
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Post by Micheal » Sun Apr 17, 2005 3:52 am

Okay n (1839)

This is the second person that I have raised that has complained about my nominal fee of 16 platinum. This is to cover the henious price of 9 to 11 platinum for the component, and finding it when it is for sale in a remote area. I would vote for no more NPC raising past 25 (I don't know if code wise if that would be possible), or a very high increase per level of cost by the NPC. I don't think people understand what a large deal it is to be brough back to life with no other punishment than coin and experience.
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Post by Dalvyn » Sun Apr 17, 2005 12:26 pm

We're currently discussing the whole raise dead/resurrection thing, so changes might come soon.

To be frank, I saw what you most likely refer to as the first time someone complained about your fee, and I couldn't help but call for someone else and take a look at what I considered as one of the most appalling roleplays I had ever seen. If I had to sum it up, it would be something like

- priest raises N

- N stands up, at 1% health, wears all, does not smote anything about being wounded, weak, about having just lived what I would consider a terrifying or at least shocking experience

- N does not thank the priest or the person who brought back his corpse and found the priest

- The priest asks for the fee (by the way, the component price has been decreased, but then again, that does not mean that your fee is too high)

- N whines, whines, whines, whines, runs to the bank (still at 1% health), brings back some coins (a part of the fee), whines, whines, whines, whines, whines

- The other character, who had brought back the corpse, offers to pay the rest of the fee; N seems to consider that it is normal if the other character pays, once again, no thank you

- N goes back to killing things, still at 1% health (well, a bit higher since time has passed)

I was actually very close to having the priest's goddess just slay the whining N again, for lack of consideration for her gift. Next time I see such an appalling roleplay, I don't think I will hesitate anymore.

I was not surprised, nor sad to see a log saying that N had been killed again a few minutes later. (Another character just came, got his corpse and had an NPC raise him though, with next to no roleplay, so the end of the story is still not that good).
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Post by Elenthis » Sun Apr 17, 2005 2:55 pm

Just curious...did anyone pull N aside and explain how role-play works? If someone has made a high-ish level without Role-playing, then is caught in a RP intense moment, ignoring all RP, then maybe they should be pulled aside, and Role-play should be clearly defined to them. There is little point that I can see playing a game to type "Kill hairy ogre" 4 million times so you can win a spar, or Pkill someone. We should all be playing to RP, or we should be playing something else.
Bearing that in mind (We are all here to RP) some people dont understand exactly why they are here. Status? Colors? Learn to read bette? Who knows...but if we are going to welcome players into our mentally created atmosphere, we should be prepared for people who dont know what they are doing, and help them. And equally prepared to eject people who are going to do nothing but harm for the game out of malice.

~Disclaimer: I have witnessed similar RP, and do not agree with it in any form. I know my post sort of went all over the place, but I sometimes see a lack of patience from others, which I disagree with in personal opinion only. As a supervisor IRL, it is my job to make sure people understand the EXPECTATION -before- any sort of judgement or punishment can be made.

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Post by Dalvyn » Sun Apr 17, 2005 3:18 pm

Yet, there are a few major differences between your job and the mud. We are not here to take players who have more than 150 hours on the game by the hand. They can find a heap of information in the help files; they can find a heap of information on the forum; they can find a heap of information by just roleplaying with others. It's their job to check and learn the explicit (and implicit) "rules" of the game they want to play.

We gladly help new players who struggle with the mud environment and commands and it's fine to help them with their first hours of roleplay, but we can't constantly guide them minute after minute. More often than not, those who don't invest any time in learning about the game they are playing would have more fun on another kind of game or should perhaps come back to Forgotten Kingdoms in a few years when they have "matured".

Edit: Also, I do not think that we should say exactly how things like being raised should be roleplayed; I do not believe in any unified roleplay. There are much more than one "good" way to roleplay it. The only thing we are asking for is to actually roleplay (roleplay the wounds, roleplay being raised, and so on), that is thinking in terms of the character's reactions to what (s)he lives and not in terms of numbers/code behind it. In other words, there is no specific lesson to be given. And it's a well-known fact that this is a roleplay mud.

That being said, let's close the sidetrek here and come back to the main topic of this thread.
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Post by Lathander » Mon Apr 18, 2005 6:53 pm

I want to reinforce what Dalvyn has said about the help files. They are extensive and evolving. If a helpfile does not exist that would be helpful, chances are good that it is being considered. There have been countless times when players are pointed to a helpfile that they never bothered to read on their own. Admittedly, some are obscure and would not be easily thought come by without some guidance, but many are basic (multiplay for instance). Players are pulled aside from time to time and given individual help or NC members are asked to talk to players OOC if they are new and struggling.

I think the issue is with players who have enough hours to know better. I have seen players with several PCs in their accounts and more than a hundred hours of FK play who have not written a passable description. Please note, we don't have ANY objection to players pursuing greater and greater coded abilities. If we did, the skill/spell/feat code wouldn't exist. However, we do insist that the pursuit and aquiring of those things be accompanied by rp.

It's been awhile, perhaps we imms need to arrange another RP forum online to discuss and show examples of how rp can be done. My only concern is that it would be attended by those who do well already and want to improve, while those who are here only for stat/skill will be out pounding mobs.
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