Evil dwarves

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Evil dwarves

Post by Urival » Thu Aug 28, 2003 8:03 pm

My knowldge of this subject is very small but Ill let it fly. :lol: Are there evil dwarves aside of duegers? I mean our typical mountain/hill dwarves. It seems you can only be good or nuetral. Is there a evil dwarven city? I heard something about curse regarding mithril hall that turns dwarves evil in old age, somewhere on the board, but i dont remember if it was the old one or the new one *shrug* Anywho, just wondering if we have or are going to get dwarves of evil nature

Post by Mingus » Thu Aug 28, 2003 10:25 pm

Urival: I heard something about curse regarding mithril hall that turns dwarves evil in old age
No you misread that post, I was being sarcastic. There is one evil dwarf out there though I belive he was made before MH and I have no idea of the aliagnment you can choose from for dwarves when you make one. But if you can choose evil, then the only home town you can choose is ZK, much like all the other evil doers. And that will also mean you won't get a few trades and few feats that comes with MH as you home town. I belive the same thing goes for evil elves, halfling and gnomes. And with neither of them can you choose to be an evil priest. Hope this helps
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Post by Lathlain » Thu Aug 28, 2003 10:44 pm

In truth, I haven't yet met an evil Dwarf. The one I think you are referring to is actually neutral, but often spends his time around Zhentil Keep regardless.
Unless it is a recent thing that Dwarves simply cannot be made as evil, then Mingus is right in saying that you'd be treated as any other non-human (disregarding drow and orcs) with an evil alignment, and would have to begin in Zhentil Keep. The Orc Village is open to some races as a starting point, but I don't expect Dwarves are one of these.

Not to sound as though I am advertising evil characters, but to choose an evil alignment is a roleplay choice. Simply because certain feats and trades aren't available to you does not make it a bad idea to be evil instead.
Of course, if you choose a race who is not known for their evil aligned members, you would do well to have a reason for choosing evil as your alignment before going ahead with it. Even if nobody asks you about it, at least you have an 'excuse', should the matter arise in roleplay :P
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Post by Isaldur » Fri Aug 29, 2003 3:29 pm

There's plenty of greedy evil dwarves in Forgotten Realms that are not Duergar, and while they are not the majority in the dwarven race they are definately more commonplace than evil elves. The Dwarven Pantheon has 3 evil dwarven gods. Duerra (Duergar), Laduguer (Duergar), and Abbathor (Surface Dwarves).

Do all the evil surface dwarves follow Abbathor? They don't have to, some of them might follow Clangeddin Silverbeard or even Moradin (I wouldn't expect that either of those gods would reply to their prayers however).

Evil Dwarven clerics are another thing entirely and they would either follow an evil human god, one of the two Duergar gods, or Abbathor.

- Isaldur
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