Rping with the Bannedment of others

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Rping with the Bannedment of others

Post by Nearraba » Thu May 05, 2005 10:51 pm

I was curious how this would be delt with..
I am very curious..could not really find any other files on this and I hope this is somewhat understand able, it is sort of hard to word.
Icly you have friends of your char. (Bob is friends with Tom) What if a really good friend of your char gets banned for a reason. (Tom is banned) Icly how are you suppose to roleplay that?

Would you...

*Forget about them, even though they were your chars best friend?
*Rp that they told you they were leaving for another town for ever.
*Rp they died..

I am unsure and open for any suggestions..thank you alot..and sorry if it is hard to understand.
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Post by Sune » Fri May 06, 2005 12:59 am

I guess it depends on the situation. Sometimes the ban is in place for 3 months.. so if you RPed that they died, or pretend they never existed - then it would be very messy once the banned character came back. Perhaps just RP that your friend hasn't been seen lately.. but don't act as though they are missing and get a search party together. Just downplay it. It's not IC that they would be gone without a huge reaction, but thems the breaks. :)

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Post by Mele » Fri May 06, 2005 6:40 am

The way I look at a banning is this -

People leave FK all the time, some come back after a month, a week, a year, etc.

I see it like you should RP it the same exact way you do that. You don't generally rp someone dying or anything when someone goes inactive. :D

Just cause you know it's a ban this time doesn't mean you should act different than you do with inactives. :D
Hope that makes sense.

Beshaba potatoes.

Post by Tychina » Fri May 06, 2005 5:03 pm

Perhaps just RP that your friend hasn't been seen lately.. but don't act as though they are missing and get a search party together.
A question on that.. would RP'ing searching for the person harm the game any? I mean, would it be a wrong (as in punishable) thing to do?

I only ask, because I have done this. I did not know the player was banned granted, but I think even if I had I would have RP'd searching for him, as he was a very important person to my character, and it would have been her nature to do so. After a while.. several months time, she slowly lost hope and stopped actively searching. But to this day, she still keeps an ear out for word of him, just in case, and has come up with a reason (in her mind) for his dissapearance.

Now, I wonder if I did wrong in doing that, and like I said, I am just asking out of belated curiosity.
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Post by Mele » Fri May 06, 2005 5:12 pm

I remember someone questioning before, that they were recently returned, and their husband in game was now a banned player. We advised them to rp accordingly. Ask around for the husband and such to find out. There's nothing bad about the character still existing to other characters. Obviously people build ties and such in character. No one is going to punish anyone for rping as their character would towards a situation.

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Post by Valacktor » Sat May 07, 2005 3:14 am

I would seem to have much experience in this matter.. as I have been banned, been unable to get on(weeks and months at a time) and have noticed the reactions and such from other chars.

It seems best to react on how long they are gone, if they are gone for weeks, or months in real time, then perhaps in the game they may have gone for a trip to a distant land(as has been one of my excuses). However, perhaps they are gone for a year- 2 years, or may even they never return, then your char may begin to think that they have died.

However, to your character, at first, and for however long, it should be dealt the same. All your char knows is that that friend is not there, they do not know that player has been banned or that player has left for a few months. After a week, 2, a month.. your char(being the friend they are) may RP searching for the friend.. if the person never returns, your char may start to RP believing the friend is dead.

Remember, the character does exist, and did exist at one time, so you wouldnt just forget about them.. unless your char was told by the friend that they were leavin town, I dont think you would RP that... and it is always possible that your char will believe that friend to be dead, even though, that person may just one day re-appear on your doorstep.

Post by Tychina » Wed May 11, 2005 2:36 am

Yes well, I did not know he had been banned, so occ'ly was clueless. Ic'ly, there had been ..circumstances.. that worried my character to begin with, and left her feeling fowl (foul?) play was afoot. All in all it gave me plenty of good RP, even if I did worry OC'ly about the player for ages before he finally saw fit to explain to me what was going on on a messenger of mine lol