Further training from old trainer

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Further training from old trainer

Post by Velsavius » Tue May 10, 2005 11:34 am

Is it possible to somehow code it that you can get further training from someone, after you've aready learnt things from them..
You learn things as a new character, then when you reach say 30th, the trainer asks you to perform a task (quest) to prove yourself, and if you successfully complete said quest they'll teach you something new..

Theres not much of a difference here to the normal trainer whose skills are just beyond your level except that the skill listing (when you type train) wouldn't show it normally until you finish the quest, but afterwards it would..
I know I know, messy question, my apologies beforehand :wink:
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Post by Algon » Tue May 10, 2005 1:52 pm

I think what he is asking is if you could train other things from him untill you get to say a certain level. Then he offers you the quest for the new skill....

So Say the trainer teaches dodge, kick, and whips untill level 30....then once you reach this he says "Go do this and I will teach you something new" then he teaches Chainsaw juggling.....Then after the quest you have an option to learn chainsaw juggling from him.....not like say the brew quest where you are tought it no matter what once you finish the quest, but you have the ability to train it whenever you want. If this is not correct please disreguard this post :P
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Post by Dalvyn » Tue May 10, 2005 4:06 pm

A possible IC solution would be to have two trainers, in a master-apprentice relation perhaps. At first (perhaps after an easy quest), the master accepts that the apprentice trains the PC. Then, later, after a harder quest, the master agrees to train the PC him(her)self.
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Post by Tyr » Tue May 10, 2005 9:24 pm

You could also intercept train $1.

Then you could programattically allow some through and not others.

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Post by Tyr » Wed May 11, 2005 1:38 pm

No dont train programatically. Just programattically decide whether to unintercept or not.
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Post by Velsavius » Wed May 11, 2005 2:51 pm

Thanks for all your input guys, I don't fully understand all of the coding yet, so half of what you've told me has flown straight over my head, but am slowly teaching myself through your lessons. Will give it a go though and if it doesn't work... well I can always handball it on to someone who does know, or go with the master/apprentice scenario..
Thanks again
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Further training from old trainer

Post by Kregor » Thu Jun 30, 2005 7:37 pm

I think I have a grip on how Tyr explained it...

So say you have a trainer who will train
short blades
and when the person completes a quest
weapon focus
circle stab

the code to intercept would be something like:

Code: Select all

>intercept_prog train~
if string($1) == weapon
or string($1) == circle
  if quest(x,x,$n) == 1  <-- This is the completed quest qbit
    sayto $n Sorry, I cannot train those skills to you now.

When the player is given the quest, and completes it, it will set the quest bit to fill in the prog above to allow the player to train those skills, until then, only the skills not intercepted will go through to let train.

Did I get that right?

EDIT: Shoot I can't get the spaces in front to keep on the post :/

EDIT EDIT: Woo! Thanks Sharni! :)
Last edited by Kregor on Fri Jul 01, 2005 12:49 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Tyr » Sat Jul 02, 2005 2:33 pm

Use the full skill name in the if string check. It will take the first word or quoted string.

if stringprefix($1) == weapon focus
or stringprefix($1) == circle stab

stringprefix will work with shortcutted names as well as the exact.

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