I know I've seen the distance scale before, but I can't seem to find it on a search :/ So for the record:
Wilderness rooms are considered about 30 miles each
Indoor rooms, AIR, are 30 feet each
Outdoor rooms (roads, woods, paths, etc.) are considered something in between, am I correct? If so, what is the distance scale for these rooms?
Distance scale for rooms
Distance scale for rooms
"There is no safety for honest men except by believing all possible evil of evil men."
Kregor - Ranger of Tangled Trees
Rozor - Lady Luck's Duelist
Tygen - Ranger-Bard of Mielikki
Kregor - Ranger of Tangled Trees
Rozor - Lady Luck's Duelist
Tygen - Ranger-Bard of Mielikki
So, a given outdoor area tile could be anywhere from, say 30 feet to maybe 3 miles, depending on how you desc it.
eg, in areas like the Moonshaes, the path to Synnoria from the north gate of Caer Corwell, would be significantly further on the map than a few hundred feet, but less than a few hundred miles as well, while the roads inside the gates may be more like a few hundred feet per road tile.
eg, in areas like the Moonshaes, the path to Synnoria from the north gate of Caer Corwell, would be significantly further on the map than a few hundred feet, but less than a few hundred miles as well, while the roads inside the gates may be more like a few hundred feet per road tile.
"There is no safety for honest men except by believing all possible evil of evil men."
Kregor - Ranger of Tangled Trees
Rozor - Lady Luck's Duelist
Tygen - Ranger-Bard of Mielikki
Kregor - Ranger of Tangled Trees
Rozor - Lady Luck's Duelist
Tygen - Ranger-Bard of Mielikki