Do we use 2nd ed or 3rd edition material?

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Do we use 2nd ed or 3rd edition material?

Post by Tychina » Fri May 27, 2005 8:56 pm

when researching things, and the 2nd and 3rd edition informations opose each other, is there a prefferance on which edition we should use?
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Post by Kregor » Sat May 28, 2005 12:29 am

I tend to like the 2nd edition refs, because IMHO, some of the ideas that the novel writers came up with in the past 5 years DR that has been incorporated into the 3E stuff is SO lame!

I, too, have found some minor contradicting information between 3E and 2E source on Tangled Trees that Aeflwynne and I are building. Go to the novels, and it gets even worse!

Lisa Smedman's novel on thearea actually seems to throw the culture of the Forest Elves (she calls them, and alternately Wild Elves, and Wood Elves, but they all have the physical characteristics of wood elves, with the mannerisms and customs of Wild Elves... follow that? :P ) even further into confusion. Furthermore, the Campaign Setting's description of an open, lively community with tree houses and half-elves and human friends and lovers, doesn't match up with Smedman's description of a totally humanophobic culture that lives in tents on the ground. And the novel is *supposedly* set in the same year as the FRCS, 1372DR.

In the end, we're coming up with a hybrid between 2E and 3E FR supplements (I got both) and skimming off information from the novel places and detail info to flesh out the sourcebooks, and tossing away any stuff in reading that doesn't line up with the Campaign Supps. Other 3rd party DM sources on the web can be of great inspiration too, if the area doesn't have a lot of "canon" source material. Since it's a hybrid MUD, I say make a hybrid that makes for the best playability on the MUD :)
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Post by Tychina » Sat May 28, 2005 1:42 am

thanks, I was referring to faiths and avatars vs pantheons. Avatars does have quite a bit more on my Goddess then pantheons, several pages more in fact.

(edited for crappy spelling)
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Post by Dalvyn » Sat May 28, 2005 6:52 am

Kregor wrote:I tend to like the 2nd edition refs, because IMHO, some of the ideas that the novel writers came up with in the past 5 years DR that has been incorporated into the 3E stuff is SO lame!
Just curious... what are you refering to, in particular?
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Post by Micheal » Sat May 28, 2005 1:06 pm

Okay 3rd time is the charm.

You are now going to get the short short version, as repetition is the mother of brevity.


2rd Waveservant, priest that works well underwater. 3rd edition one word tenticles.

2nd or 3rd

In the 5 to 80 years since this MUD has fired (depends on who you talk to) we have avoided serveral questions. Is Bane back yet? Has Waulkeen been found? Is Kelemvor still the lame god of Avatar 4 or is he the badass god of Avatar 5? Has Talos taken the portofolio of destructive magic from Mystra yet? (opps wasn't supposed to mention this book yet)

Have we failed the FR timeline? I say NO, look up and to the left, it says FK!

5 years ago they took what info they had and said, we are using this info and since then we have done our own thing. Drow are fighting under Mask against elves fighing under Tyr in a plain in the Dalelands, there is a moonwell still working after the death of the Earthmother, Barbarians are in mass in Eastern Amn and the Amnish haven't had their Helmish croonies kick them out. This is a world outside of TSR.

Use them as a guidline, but don't be afriad to do your own thing.
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Do we use 2nd ed or 3rd edition material?

Post by Kregor » Sat May 28, 2005 3:58 pm

Okay.... last time I post under the influence of little sleep and much caffeine.

Didn't want to start a debate... forget I said anything ;)

But seriously, case in point I was referring to above said novel. The FRCS, published 2001, gave us the first split of the Wood and Wild elves into two separate subraces. Come the publishing of Heirs of Prophecy in the same year, the author mixes up the subraces a little (of course, could be because of her own jarring from the split of the green elves), and further, portrays the Wood Elves way too primitive and savage, IMO. Enter the Races of Faerun in 2003 to amend the Campaign Sourcebook. Where in FRCS, Wild Elves were simply elves of the jungle regions of Chessenta, Chult and Shaar, and Wood Elves were the sylvan elves of the northern and eastern forests, in RoF, they savaged the Wild Elves up a good bit more, even made them illiterate, and in Players Guide in 2004, they moved the Wild Elves up into Cormanthor. Both seemed done in an effort to bring continuity to the novel.

Personally, I still have a problem of calling Wood Elves, Wild Elves, as the term used to be interchangeable circa 2E's sourcebooks. But, I have only recently begun acquiring 3E campaign material, so as to have more reference for building.
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Post by Dalvyn » Sat May 28, 2005 6:21 pm

I didn't want to start a debate either, but just to ask your opinion.
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