Spider Climb

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Spider Climb

Post by Mingus » Fri Sep 05, 2003 7:18 pm

Mostly for drow... but anyone that would make the underdark home too. Everyone.

Make it so it acts like fly or levitate, working only in underground_ and indoor_rooms, without the movement rate bonus. ie You're walking on the ceiling or the walls like spiderman.
Posts: 5933
Joined: Sat Aug 09, 2003 2:24 am

Post by Mele » Fri Sep 05, 2003 8:06 pm

What's wrong with fly and levitate?

Beshaba potatoes.

Post by Mingus » Sun Sep 07, 2003 3:52 am

It doesn't work like this in the game but levitate has no means of propulsion. It just raises the target off the ground.

Flying in a tunnel would be dangerous... With stalagmites and stalgtites you could pike yourself with a sudden gain or loss of altitude.

But sillyness aside, I thought it would be nice to have something of the sort for the drow and other underdark casters(clerics/wizards) to have. I have not read any of the FR books and don't plan to. But from littel snippets here and there, I have gathered that if some of the more noticable heads of underdark societies have eq of spiderclimb I would think you'd have the spell too.

In game, you could make it that if you flew(fly spell) faster than a crawl, random encounters with stalagmite/stagtites, low ceilings and other obstacles would impead and cause damage to the individual. Larger cavens like menzo, I doubt since it has a massive overhead, but other underdark areas would. Lavitate would be nice if it did just that and not allow movement unless by other external means. I doubt flapping your arms like a bird would produce mush foward movement, a nice steady breeze could push you along its direction. and a polearm/staff wielded could allow propultion like that on a raft or gondala. It be nice too if said spell could be cast on objects too, to allow easier movement instead of dragging them on the groud. Spiderclimb though unlike the fly, would not give a better movement rate and infact make you more tired since you are working against gravity but your climbing skills would improve greatly during the spells duration. As well, I would think you'd need to be barefoot and gloveless, but I'm just guessing on that one.

Just something nice to add. And something else to think about when you're spamming through the underdark. :wink:
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