Connection and zmud difficulties

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Number and use of accounts

Post by Hviti » Sun Sep 07, 2003 7:21 pm

Sorry if this is some sort of extremely stupid question, but this is the first time I have posted in ANY forum of ANY kind. If we have multiple characters, do we make an account for each one or do we just have one account? And if we have one account per character, do we post the questions that we have through character A through A's screenname here and character B's questions through B's screenname? I was thinking if it would look odd if some fighter character posts a wizard question, etc.

Hviti, the very confused

Post by Mingus » Sun Sep 07, 2003 7:39 pm

I think the administrators want just one account. Preferably your main PC in the game cause it less likely he/she will get deleted out of frustration or disuse. All this is ooc so it doesn't matter if your main PC is drow and you want to comment about an elf character you also have or an orc or ect.... I think this is also a way to see how many RL people play and not how many PC there are.
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Post by Mele » Sun Sep 07, 2003 8:24 pm

I disagree. I think we have a right to keep our alts a secret. If I were to make a post that was speaking about something that would absolutely give one of my other characters away, I would definately use that characters name on this board. I happen to be one of the people with a disgusting amount of characters, simply because I want to experience it all, classes races, etc. Though I have many, only three or four are well known characters, because I feel most comfortable in them, and have developed them most. Those three or four all have individual names on this board, because I want to be able to post from any viewpoint, and I want to keep my privacy within the characters. If I'm going to post something in general, I will use this name, because it is my main character. However, if something is mainstreamed around something, I will use the appropriate character. :) The immortals see our IP's, and know our characters, and see what names we have on the board. If they think it's inappropriate to have more than one name on the board, then I'm sure they'll knock names off the board. :)

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How do I roleplay having to drop my link?

Post by Agralath » Wed Oct 29, 2003 8:57 pm

Last night I was questing with a fellow character when my wife had to make an urgent phone call. We were right in the middle of a battle when it happened and I had to get off right that moment. The problem is this, I can explain my ooc situation and rp leaving, but then my character has to be left link dead for a period of time until I can log back on to properly quit. Does anyone have a workaround for this type of situation? I am new to a strictly enforced roleplay system and need to know if what I did was bad roleplay and if so just need some advice on what to do if it should happen again.
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Post by Tempus » Wed Oct 29, 2003 9:54 pm

There are several ways of dealing with this, but the first thing that should be said is that of course RL always comes first. In an event such as this, a quick osay or otell to your group leader to let them know you are dropping link is a good idea from a practical point of view, so they are aware and don't inadvertently get you killed. When you are able to log back into the mud, you can either agree to ignore the intervening time, or make up some excuse to account for your IC inattention. Even something like 'I'm sorry, I really should stop daydreaming' or something equally trite :) (I can't think of any great excuses off the top of my head at the moment, but I'm sure others can).

What it comes down to is: don't overly worry about it. Things like this happen, and people appreciate that you don't always have full control over your link or ability to remain in an RP due to RL circumstances. A quick heads-up before dropping link, if you can, alleviates confusion but people also realise that this isnt always possible.
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Post by Sia » Thu Oct 30, 2003 3:10 am

"Whew! That's the last time I eat gruel from the dungeon! Sorry, guys, I had to visit the little rangers' room."

Bathroom breaks always make for legitimate excuses to suddenly run out in the event of a RL emergency, I've found. When you gotta go, you gotta go :)


Post by Dima » Thu Oct 30, 2003 10:09 am

I usually just say that I was deep in thought or spaced out for a long as it's not too long of a time(less than 10 minutes Real time) other than that I don't know of a good excuse.... :(

How do I roleplay having to drop my link?

Post by Granel » Fri Oct 31, 2003 5:25 am

I usually am never prepared for my link outages so when I come back I calmly check to see if I am wearing a dress and have makeup on my face, general stuff like braids in my beard and blush on my cheeks...because you never know what happens when you space out. Play it to the hilt if at least for a moment then resume normal function. I've often had fears of going link dead in a goblin camp and coming back online married to their never know.
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How do I roleplay having to drop my link?

Post by Belose » Fri Oct 31, 2003 5:44 am

Well, it's hard to get your sex changed in the middle of the Square, since I think spells might be logged... or at least an IMM being notified so that the role playing is making it worthwhile.. hmmm? If you want to get RPed that way, step one square east or west and let someone see you link-dead, just don't steal from em, but glitter em after becoming another gender, eh? Though I could see Nysan waiting outside the gates afterwards for you, if he knows you did it..hehehe.... want a piece of pie? :evil:
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Post by Tychina » Sun Nov 16, 2003 1:42 am

If you are in a fight situation, you can always use the excuse "Sorry, that last blow to the head must have been worse then I thought" and rp shaking the effects off.

For those where it would be ic for them to do so, could always rp that they had been preoccupied with sending a quick prayer to such an such diety.

All depends on what situation you find yourself in at the time, more often then not I lose link when I least expect it, and at the worst possible times. Makes for an interesting twist to things when I get back though. Especially if my group has walked off and "left" me standing back there, not even noticing I was gone :?

Post by Haarkon » Tue Dec 09, 2003 1:13 pm

I've played on other RP-intensive MUDs, and the excuse I usually used was something like:

emote stumbles and trips as he shifts his stance, taking a tumble. His eyes glaze over as he lays there, he appears dazed and stunned...

X loses link.

X regains link.

emote comes to, regaining his senses and wits about him, wondering how long he's been laying prone.

Would that work here?
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Link dead

Post by Rhytania » Tue Dec 09, 2003 1:19 pm

I think it would be great as long as you can predict the ever efficient Ma' Bell to let you know in advance when your connections gonna drop *grins sarcastically* :twisted:
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What do you do If you Forget You Account Name?

Post by Xerarack » Wed Jul 28, 2004 2:41 am

I went away from the game suddenly right after I put my charecter in an account, and I forgot the account name, how do we retrive the characters in?
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Connection and zmud difficulties

Post by Versayir » Wed Jan 05, 2005 9:20 pm

I am completely clueless when it comes to the zmud client, so forgive me if these problems turn out to be simple ones.

I'm using the trial version downloadable from the website.

The first problem is that currently when I try to connect I simply get the message: connected to host -no actual entry into the game follows that.

So far I have tried reconnecting, wiping and re-entering the connection information, restarting my computer and none has worked so far.

The second problem I ran across yesterday is that with no apparant cause, my zmud client no longer allows me to scroll up.

Both of these problems have me completely puzzled, though obviously the first is of greater importance.

Thanks in advance for any advice that can be offered.

(edit: the 'connected but no game' problem seems to be present even when I attempt to connect through telnet)

Post by Tychina » Wed Jan 05, 2005 9:25 pm

as for the first problem, that usually means the game is down. As like now, I believe it is down.

The second, I don't know sorry, someone else will have to help with that.
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Post by Algon » Wed Jan 05, 2005 10:03 pm

Yes, game is down right now.

Second problem has me stumped also. Does it not even give you the scrollbar?
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Post by Versayir » Wed Jan 05, 2005 10:16 pm

I have the scrollbar, it just doesn't want to behave as it should. Any attempts to click and drag, or scroll using the mousewheel fail.
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Post by Lerytha » Wed Jan 05, 2005 10:18 pm

It could be your computer? Does the scrolling work on other documents/programs except your client?
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Post by Versayir » Wed Jan 05, 2005 10:28 pm

Yes, scrolling funtions normally in all other programs and windows.

Hmm. As I was writing this post, I believe I discovered the fix which I'll describe here as best I can in case someone else runs into this problem.

It seems I'd somhow unintentionally hit 'toggle splitscreen' button located between the horizontal and vertical scrollbars on the bottom right of the screen. This caused a single horizontal line to appear at the bottom of the screen which then somehow made it's way to the very top of the screen where it remained unseen until I stumbled onto it.

Replacing it at the bottom of the screen and toggling off the splitscreen appears to have fixed it. I'll see for sure once the game is available again.


Link death

Post by Ciele » Wed Jan 05, 2005 10:38 pm

Okay, two questions about link death:

1) if you've tried to reconnect, restarted your internet service and it's working fine, tried a different computer and a different client and it's all failed, then tried again half an hour later, is it safe to assume it's a game outage rather than link death?

2) How do people think it would be best to handle link death ICly? If someone you were talking to happened to just vanished without a mention you'd think it was kind of odd, but you could speculate about it for a while and then dismiss it because you can't come up with an answer for certain. More importantly, how do you explain it once you get back online? If you lost the link in the first place because of a powercut it might be a minute or half an hour before you get back, half a day game time. I'd really like people's opinions on this because I connect by a wireless connection that is prone to lose the signal from time to time.