Tap Thoughtspeech

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Tap Thoughtspeech

Post by Isolrem » Sat Jul 02, 2005 1:07 am

Since the amulet of communication is -such- an important item in the game, there could be a few spells directly relating it? This allows the wizard to listen to all tells and replies addressed to and from any character in the target room (or rooms, if the spell is given a range). The wizard must be in meditation.
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Post by Hviti » Sat Jul 02, 2005 3:55 am

This could be pretty cool. Tell right now is the easiest way for people to keep things from being overheard, even if they are all the way across the kingdoms. It's as if I could broadcast a radio signal to Australia from Chicago without -anyone- catching it or listening to it. This way, people would have to actually meet to conspire and so on. If they wanted the greatest level of security they could meet in a room and tell to each other so that even if a conventional eavsdropper was hanging around they would not be overheard. It would also give a use for resist mind objects, as these could probably block the spell.
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Post by Lorion » Sat Jul 02, 2005 8:52 am

Such a spell should have a bad side though. For example like with the disguise skill with every tell you listen to, and maybe also with time(every mnute or 5 minutes irl) you should have a check, and at failure the victim gets an echo like "you feel a strange presence in your mind"(ahh, the paranoia that this will cause), or under some circumstances that i am not quuite sure what they should be yet: "You feel the presence of <adjective/name> in your mind"
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Post by Glim » Sat Jul 02, 2005 9:28 am

If you get that echo, a good way to defeat it would be to detune your amulet.
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Gwain raises an eyebrow.
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Post by Lysha » Sat Jul 02, 2005 4:20 pm

He he, dunno how many people read the books of the Times of Trouble, but once Elminster and..umm...forgot how to spell it, but the Lord of Waterdeep....anyways, they were mind speaking, though via a mind speak spell, and the spell went ary and their thoughts/conversation was broadcast all over Waterdeep. He he. Even though this was a Mind Speak spell, and I am guessing that is what the amulet has been imbued with, mayhaps that would make this idea (Isolrem's) a little more...understood? I dunno how to word it...
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Post by Hviti » Sat Jul 02, 2005 9:00 pm

You mean a random chance to broadcast your thoughts to one or more characters in the same area?
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Post by Lysha » Sat Jul 02, 2005 10:02 pm

It could happen...
Your punch viciously hammers a shark's abdomen.
A shark is stunned, but will probably recover.

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Post by Telk » Thu May 04, 2006 3:43 am

I'd definitely like to see this spell in game. Secret codes could be worked out between organizations. And most importantly it would allow more PC to PC interaction, PC's talking would be more inclined to meet somewhere (Which is most of the time good RP) instead of passing tells back and forth. As well as more danger to using tells. It would definitely enhance RP between rivalries, finding out plans, escape routes, etc. The possibilities are endless.

There is one thing though, people could use this to abuse PKing policy. People may listen in one these conversations, find out where this person is at and trek across the land to find the person (which would be ICly impossible in this situation)

If a check is failed in this, or if you are a low level in this spell what about having wording jumbled or parts of the speech cut out?

A good idea, if it could be implemented :)
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Post by Boe » Thu May 04, 2006 7:37 am

I think, if I am not mistaken, this idea has been suggested before. Regardless my own opinion stands that it's sort of an invasion on the person, unless areas were built that a mindtap spell would have no affect or a helmet made of aluminum foil was sold for a few copper at Bradigans I think it is a spell that could and would be abused.

Instead of the intrusion of the mind perhaps have a wizard be able to form links between group members and add a group tell ability? Maybe not even a wizardly sort of thing but just something that could be inately done by anyone with no magical backing. A warrior can't just walk up to someone and think really hard to speak within the targets mind, the amulet of communication is a very powerful piece of magical work that allows this, perhaps the magic could be expanded and allow for a group tell or something similar?

Just my thoughts,
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Post by Dugald » Thu May 04, 2006 7:56 am

Telepathic Bond is a 5th level spell and only works with one person/3 levels. So I'd just be happy with a 7th or an 8th level spell that duplicated the effects of the amulet, but it freed up that equipment slot, and the receiving party couldn't detune it without mind blank.

But if it was going to do something like intercept tells, with the concept of the spell being specifically created to hone in on magical resonance of the amulet use...I'd rather it be picking up all tells (not otells) have a duration akin to the stat boosters, and eat up an expensive diamond every cast.

Because, like Boe said, the only real reason to use the spell, is to invade someone's privacy...and the amulets on the wonderous item dnd scale are pretty amazing to get for essentially free.
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Post by Telk » Thu May 04, 2006 11:47 pm

I don't see why this would be such an invasion on a person. Invis could be considered an invasion of privacy on someone because you can't be seen, such invasions should be dealt with ICly. Yes, it could be abused by using it to find someone for Pk reasons, but this would (most likely) be violating the Pking rules. I'd agree with Dugald that if it used expensive components then it wouldn't be used all that often, just for specific purposes which I'd like to see it being used for.

This could also bring some more emphasis into the mind resistances, the higher the target's mind resistance the harder it is to invade their mind.

Of course, the spell would only pick up on IC tells and OOC tells would be ignored. I don't see much a lot of room for abuse, but maybe I'm overlooking something.
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Post by Isolrem » Wed May 10, 2006 1:20 am

alternatively, a target person spell (low enough in level to be casted silently/still) that then relates for its durations on tells of the target.

Boros looks around urgently, hiding and dodging behind rocks and trees.
>combatmode +silent spell
>combatmode +still spell
>cast 'tap thoughtspeech' on Boros
You hear Boros's thoughts as if they were your own
Arktos tells Boros, "I see you, where is it?"
Boros tells Arktos, "I think the mage is tracking me, invisible... I can sense him. Come to where I am, I buried it right 'ere."
You grin to yourself
You begin casting
Your Powerword: Stun renders Boros immobile!
You smile triumphantly
You begin casting
You summon a gnoll into being.
A gnoll begins to dig...
Chars: Aryvael et all.
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