I have a mob with bribe progs and a reward prog on it, and another with a reward prog. Neither of them seem to understand these commands:
Code: Select all
mpmakecash 10 gold
mpgive 10 gold $n
The mob makes the coins with mpmakecash. And I can see them in his inventory, but he doesn't give them.
Were I to change it to "mpgive gold $n", he would give ALL his gold, but he won't give 10 gold using the command above.
They also will not junk coins after a bribe:
Code: Select all
if quest(30,1,$n) == 1
sayto $n Sorry, I craft only one bow per customer.
mpjunk all.coin
mpmakecash 50 platinum
mpgive 50 platinum $n
Again, the mob does not give the any coin to the char, and looking in his inventory reveals 100 plat. Because not only did he not give the coin from mpmakecash, but did not junk all his coins before making new cash.
Am I missing something?[/code]
"There is no safety for honest men except by believing all possible evil of evil men."
Kregor - Ranger of Tangled Trees
Rozor - Lady Luck's Duelist
Tygen - Ranger-Bard of Mielikki