Different Manure

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Different Manure

Post by Glim » Sun Jul 17, 2005 1:56 pm

Is it possible to make a different kind of manure and have it work for spells the same way that griffon and horse manure does?

Im not really sure how spells differentiate between components.
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Different Manure

Post by Kregor » Sun Jul 17, 2005 5:03 pm

Apply the restringing lesson:

http://www.forgottenkingdoms.com/builde ... ject.shtml

It would function as a component the same way horse manure would, because it is strung from the same item vnum. The same way that a whole bunch of restrung feathers in different places in the game work for fletching. Of course, echoes in the progs in the manure would still read "horse manure", (The smell of horse manure is very strong, etc.)

I would also assume you could take the poop program from the horse example:

http://www.forgottenkingdoms.com/builde ... hops.shtml

And apply it to a created critter of your own.

So, say you wanted to create... oh, say for grins, a pet wyvern that pooped. Mind you, this is untested, just a quick code thrown together that I should work:

Code: Select all

>rand_prog 1~
if sector($i) == 1
  mpecho $I cocks his tail and poops!
  mpoload 8580
  mpmset on $i i8580 name i8580 wyvern manure poop
  mpmset on $i i8580 short {30}a pile of wyvern manure
  mpmset on $i i8580 long {30}A huge pile of wyvern manure has been left here.
  mpquiet on
  drop i8580
  mpquiet off
The resulting refuse is useable as a component for the things that require manure.
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Post by Glim » Sun Jul 17, 2005 5:22 pm

Thanks, Kregor, that was just what I was looking for! :)
Glim asks Gwain 'Can I be on the watch?!?'
Gwain raises an eyebrow.
Gwain seems to display a look of complete horror for a second...
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