Restoration in Temples?

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Sword Grand Master
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Restoration in Temples?

Post by Isolrem » Wed Jul 27, 2005 1:03 am

It seems that in most D&D Restoration is offered in all or select temples. Consindering the miniscule player population that seems to know the spell, can we have this incorporated into the game (with a steep price?)
Chars: Aryvael et all.
Sword Grand Master
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Post by Dalvyn » Wed Jul 27, 2005 2:36 am

Why would NPCs be better than their PCs counterparts? Unless I'm mistaken, all NPC healers already get to cast heal, while only 2 or 3 faiths get this spell (I can't see how it makes sense, by the way). Giving restoration to NPC healers would make things worse.

NPCs shouldn't be turned into spell machines. Press A to fly, press B to be healed, press C to get stone skin, press D for restoration, ...

Either we set things to stick more closely to D&D and give ALL cleric guilds the base cleric spells as a common base, plus faith-specific spells to distinguish between them, and we allow all NPCs and PCs to cast spells like restoration or heal, or we continue with guilds being (more or less randomly) cut off some spells, and stick to the same guidelines for NPCs. (By the way, I would prefer the first solution: since minor spellcasters, as in: rangers/bards/paladins, get all the spells they are given in D&D, so should classes that rely heavily on spellcasting.)

But currently, if we wish to have a more or less consistent world, NPC priests shouldn't be "better" than their PC counterparts, and thus, should not get spells that the PCs don't get.
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Post by Exer » Wed Jul 27, 2005 3:14 am

Paladins don't get all the spells that the class in D&D gets but, they do have most of them.

I don't think giving NPC's any more spells is a great idea. I'm with Dalvyn on this one, maybe NPC clerics should only get the spells that the faith PC clerics get. So not everyone one of them has heal for example.
Sword Grand Master
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Post by Dalvyn » Wed Jul 27, 2005 4:25 am

Exer wrote:Paladins don't get all the spells that the class in D&D gets but, they do have most of them.
You are right. What I meant is: if a coded spell is on the D&D paladin's list, they get it (while there are coded spells that belong to the common D&D wizard/priest's list that are not given on here), and since those "secondary" spellcasters have fewers spells, they basically get most of them. Anyway, sorry for being slightly out of topic.
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