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Post by Isolrem » Wed Aug 03, 2005 5:06 am

Consent <player> : a command to enhance roleplay
A consent command is not to be taken lightly, but it allows roleplay scenerios to happen that in the game would not. In a way, it switches the scene from normal to dramatic. In my mind at this time, consenting someone would allow:

the consentee to slay the player (like those situations when the toughest warriors get crippled by a few drinks and gets stabbed in the back? except this doesnt happen very well presently)
the consentee to loot the player corpse freely

I'm sure people can come up with more
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Post by Glim » Wed Aug 03, 2005 5:09 am


I dunno about this one. Ide always like the command to kill yourself for those rare occassionals when you have to RP your own death. But then that is so rare then maybe you could just ask an imm to slay you instead.
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Post by Mele » Wed Aug 03, 2005 4:21 pm

I don't really like this. Honestly it makes me feel like you're putting people in cages to be poked at.

PlayerA says 'You're -biginsult-'
PlayerB says 'I don't appreciate that.'
PlayerA says 'Well, you're also -anotehrbiginsult-'
PlayerB says 'Please don't make me get physical, you -biginsulttoo-!'
PlayerA slaps PlayerB and says 'You wouldn't.'
PlayerB says, 'Oh, I would!'
PlayerB requests consent from PlayerA.
PlayerA denies PlayerB's consent request.
PlayerA knees PlayerB 'I told you you wouldn't, fool!'

That would be incredibly frustrating. It would also give people to opportunity to walk around making their characters rough and tough and completely untouchable. I, personally, would not like to see this command something implemented into the game. ^^

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Post by Balek » Wed Aug 03, 2005 7:28 pm

I don't think he necessarily means that you would have to consent to all PK situations. What I think Isolrem was trying to say was that the consent command would allow someone to kill your character in one hit, or with very little effort. If you wanted to, you could still attack someone without consent, it would just be a normal fight.
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Post by Beshaba » Wed Aug 03, 2005 9:51 pm

This is not a consent based game. This is an IC Actions = IC Consequences game and consent should not be necessary for any actions so long as they are within the rules and standards of the game.
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Post by Balek » Thu Aug 04, 2005 12:03 am

To be clear, I'm not throwing my support behind this idea, but Isolrem's idea doesn't really step around the IC Actions = IC Consequences idea. His idea is essentially allowing more dire IC consequences for IC actions, in other words allowing someone to kill your character very easily because of something you've done in RP.

If you get your character drunk and it's not IC for him to defend himself against some orc he runs into on the road due to his severely inebriated condition, a quick death via this consent idea is very severe IC consequences for the IC action of getting drunk and running into an orc.

As far as I can tell, this consent idea doesn't reduce risks or IC consequences suffered due to IC actions, it actually makes the consequences more severe if you decide that they should be.
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Post by Isolrem » Thu Aug 04, 2005 12:21 am

Well... that was all I could think of at the moment. It could do other things. E.G. sets all saving throws against hostile spells or skills to zero against the consentee
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Post by Kregor » Thu Aug 04, 2005 1:54 am

This is already similar to a thread we had just a short while back regarding a skill that would allow you to insta-kill someone, except it's just flipped now to where it's the victim that would *allow* himself to be insta-killed.

Again though, this idea bypasses the whole principal of letting the code do its job.

When you are drunk, the code already takes into account your IC action of getting drunk. You stumble, you go the wrong way, you fumble in combat. All that is taken into account. Getting drunk doesn't make you a target for instant death (PCs are extraordinary, not ordinary), nor does hurling an insult at someone mean that you have opened yourself up for being instantly killed by someone stabbing you. Unless that someone already has the *skill* to stab you by surprize, and then extra damage is dealt with code.

Really, no matter what the example, I don't think there needs to be a way to bypass the code to do things like slay someone in a single strike, or allow a spell to bypass your resistances to guarantee a disintegrate, etc.

I am against the thought of bypassing your code-given abilities either in your offense or defense. All it takes is the consenter to have a last minute change of mind to turn it into a complaint situation. Let the code take care of your IC consequences. If you want to pkill, let your "consent" come in the fact that you both agree to go killmode kill.
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