Killmode Train

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Killmode Train

Post by Glim » Sun Oct 16, 2005 7:49 am

Hmm...this is really a very tentative idea, as it would be used mostly for training skills, ect. But would just like to throw it out and see how many people like this....

syntax: killmode train

Another killmode, but this one would cause no damage, or very little. It would be a continous fight. Two warriors could train with one another, doing no damage, or very little. If it did very little damage, they would merely continue training until one of them was stunned. If it did no damage, they would continue fighting in this killmode until one of them dropped to 0% stamina, where they would revert to killmode stun and do damage normally until one of them was stunned.

This would allow characters to train their skills with other characters, instead of training them on mobs. It would be a safer way of training, but without the rewards of training against mobs (gold, experience, ect). This would also add the added RP of setting up a training session with others, as well as the RP afterwards, without the little to no coded gains of RP sparring with people currently.

As I said, this is a very tentative post as im not exactly sure of it myself, but I would like to see others views upon it.
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Post by Tortus » Sun Oct 16, 2005 10:59 am

On the other hand, if you do roleplay sparring with someone, chances are an imm will reward you by raising the skill which you roleplay training. I think something like this could take the focus away from RP, and I can see players putting their chars into a fight, then going afk for a couple of hours. Obviously this would give them an unfair advantage over people who don't do this. Ultimately, everyone would be supercharged, except the ones who don't spar or RP sparring.
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Post by Hviti » Sun Oct 16, 2005 1:51 pm

This seems like a nice idea, but what would keep people from using killmode train against mobs that hardly ever hit them/do low damage?
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Post by Lea » Sun Oct 16, 2005 1:59 pm

I am not sure if there is a way but maybe you could set it up to make a check and only work against other players. And if someone gets caught abusing it and cheating they get a warning or possibly a strike against them.
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Post by Glim » Sun Oct 16, 2005 5:21 pm

I dont think this could go on for hours, because eventually either if:

It caused very little damage:

a. the person would get stunned


It caused no damage:

b. someone would get tired, then they would get stunned

Also, this could be made to only be set against other characters, not mobs.

This is mainly an effort to bring the training bit away from the whole hack n slash mobs thing and keep it more into interaction with players. It also reflects the training your skills with other people without trying to hurt them, which happens all the time and would have been a preferred method of training, instead of putting yourself in life and death situations all the time or getting beaten to a pulp. This would bring more RP to training, instead of just going out and killing mobs either by yourself or with a friend.

Also, Tortus, I would say that an imm actually improving your combat skills when you are smoting training is a very rare thing and wouldnt be something you could base improving yourself upon.
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Post by Glim » Sun Oct 23, 2005 2:17 am

Hmm, another idea, this would reflect subdual damage in normal D&D a bit better.

What if this killmode, instead of giving damage to hit points, it would give damage to movement points? Once someone drops to 0 MV they would be stunned and would revive at the next tic or something like that?

This could be done if the damage done to MV was the same as normal weapons damage or was made to do very little damage each attack.

This would make the difference in training between sparring and practically killing one another, drawing blood and what not. To just using the flat of their blade, tiring one another out, and the fight ending or them going unconscious.

Just another idea.
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Killmode Train

Post by Kregor » Sun Oct 23, 2005 3:52 pm

This last idea, I like more as opposed to damage-less combat, because it is still limited by some finite measure. And movement can actually be a more limiting form of measure than hitpoints, since at present there is no one-shot "heal" for movement. The time taken to rest afterwards would reflect the interaction time taken after such an exhausting heat by the two sparrers, and becomes the RP period. I am not against a subdual mode that would be both non-lethal and non-scarring for either PvP or PvMob. A subdual mode would be more appropropriate to some chars of faiths that would advocate a passive defense, rather than physically beating someone to a pulp.

However, as far as training goes, I would not overlook the present availability of the teach command, accompanied with appropriate smote training between teaching ticks.

Although I digress here.... I have gathered that the highest level a GM trainer seems to be able to teach another char is to apprentice. A bit odd, considering that other mob "masters" can train to journeyman often, and in very rare cases to adept or better.

Perhaps this could be remedied by an alteration on the Teacher feat, which presently allows a master or expert to train a skill to another char. In addition, alter it so a person with Teacher could train a GM skill to journeyman (for one point in Teacher) or adept (for two points in Teacher), this would go down for each rank lower in the skill the teacher is... in other words:

Code: Select all

Teacher's skill  w/o feat    1pt in feat   2pts in feat
Grandmaster      Apprentice  Journeyman    Adept
Master           N/A         Apprentice    Journeyman
Expert           N/A         Novice        Apprentice
Additionally to above, perhaps an alteration to the teach command itself could allow teaching to Novice for a PC Master of a skill sans the teacher feat? I would think that to be called a "master" you would have some given ability to pass a limited amount of this skill to others.

Such would reflect an effort some characters would invest in passing on their skill to others, for whatever IC role. Also reflecting into PC to PC training the same diversity you can get from mob training. And IC RP training is, in my book, preferrable to mob training. Those who wished to spend precious feat points in the ability to teach could turn it into a trade, as I am certain many PCs would readily shell coin for decent training in many spells and skills.
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