Andreas wrote:Something I was thinking about...
Is it possible to create a program that will allow a mob to choose from X number of random quests to give a PC? (*cries* I've been corrupted by statistics and probability!!)
My reasoning behind this is to prevent PCs from loading up on what they know they need for "fetch and carry" or "hunt and kill" quests. They'll go and never know which quest they'll be assigned.
I think this would be possible, you could put each possible quest in its own little block of qbits, and then have the mob's check for qbits check for any and or all of the completed quests in the initial greet prog (this is in simplest form):
Code: Select all
>greet_prog 100~
if quest(0,2,$n) == 3
or quest(2,2,$n) == 3
or quest(4,2,$n) == 3
mob acts as if quest is complete.
if quest(0,2,$n) > 0
or quest(2,2,$n) > 0
or quest(4,2,$n) > 0
if rand(33)
offer quest A
if rand(50)
offer quest B
offer quest C
Note, the second > 0 strings cause the prog to not only check that none of the quests have been completed, but also none are in progress, else you could come back to the same mob during one quest, and would be offered another.
So with this model, the mob would ask a char with all the above quest bits at 0 to complete only one of the quests, each with an equal chance of being the quest assigned, therefore randomizing the necessary tasks to complete.
This same kind of randomization could be really good in Q&A quests to randomize the questions asked and their answers. Even more irritating for a quest writer probably, besides those who go and hunt items in advance to take to a mob for an item fetching quest, are the Q&A quests in which the answers start being passed around on chat, or OOCly between alts of the same player
"There is no safety for honest men except by believing all possible evil of evil men."
Kregor - Ranger of Tangled Trees
Rozor - Lady Luck's Duelist
Tygen - Ranger-Bard of Mielikki