Twink clothing

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Twink clothing

Post by Dalvyn » Fri Nov 11, 2005 5:07 am

I have seen it several times now, and I decided to post about it.

The famous motto "Just because you can do it does not mean you should do it" does not only apply to (ab)using commands and mobs. It also applies to objects.

There are several quests and quest rewards in the mud. There are also thousands of different clothes available in different shops, to make your character unique. Yet, I see not only the same items coming up again and again (that, at least, is somehow understandable, since your character might be proud to show off what he got offered after helping others), but, worse, several copies of the same ICly unique item on several persons.

It can be two copies of the same magical and ICly unique amulet, or two copies of the same magical and ICly unique bracer, or two copies of the same magical and ICly unique ring.

Now, I'm not here to take the place of the Goddess of Magic, but expect that, if you are seen wearing copies of the same items, their magic auras will resonate and this might result in a heavily damaging explosion in which not only your health might suffer, but also some pieces of equipment might get broken.
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Post by Lathlain » Fri Nov 11, 2005 8:03 am

Just to clarify (And feel free to edit this if I use too much IC information), would this rule also apply to the use of twin bracers as supplicated from a God? They are supplicated individually, but it is in keeping with faith dogma that either one or two be worn.
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Post by Dalvyn » Fri Nov 11, 2005 11:13 am

Supplicated items are fine in my opinion, since you can legitimately get more than one copy.
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Post by Balek » Fri Nov 11, 2005 2:35 pm

What about items from the Arcane? Since it's legal to purchase 2 items, is it legal to purchase two of the same item?
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Post by Dalvyn » Fri Nov 11, 2005 5:54 pm

I would say no. It's not like they are mass-producing those items. (Actually, a mass production of magical items would be interesting for another quest maybe ... obviously, some of those mass-produced items might be "faulty", but this is not the case here).

There is variety there, so why not take advantage of it?
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Post by Lea » Fri Nov 11, 2005 6:26 pm

Something that might need to be considered here is that not everyone does it to twink. I know with Halia she has two of the necklaces from the Arcane. These two items she has had for two years now and bought them herself. She bought them as part of her rp at the time and seemed to fit into it at the time. Now, I only have her wear them when she is out adventuring or fighting. But when you see her in rp she doesn't wear her armour or those two necklaces. She wears two plain necklaces that have actually been given to her in rp. I was also questioned at the time when there was problems with people cheating and buying more than two items from the Arcane how I got the two necklaces and my answer was I bought them because they seemed to be a part of her more than anything else he sold.

If you want to change the way people are able to buy things from the Arcane then it needs to be made so that if the have one of the items on them they can not buy another of the same item. The same with quest objects. I know some people purchase from other players quest items because either the other player can't use them or don't want them and need the coin. So purchasing a set of like bracers seems to be a choice that most would make for a fighter type character because that would be part of the armour and rp for that character. I think before we start acussing people of either twinking or cheating I think we need to find out the ic reasons why they have them the way that they do.
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Post by Tortus » Fri Nov 11, 2005 7:32 pm

I don't think it's about accusing people of being twinks, but of your characters 'reality' so to speak.
Think of every char as being in a single-player game, with some particularly intelligent mobs in it. If you do a quest in say Baldur's Gate, or Neverwinter Nights, you can't do it twice, because the quest would be resolved. And therefore, you could only get the reward once as well. Of course, this wouldn't work in the MUD, because there would have to be a ridiculous amount of quests for every person to get something magical.
My point would be, think of it as a single player game when it comes to quest rewards and such items.

Can't get another by yourself? You're not supposed to have one.
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Post by Glim » Fri Nov 11, 2005 7:44 pm

On the topic of Mass Production, though. Many weaker magical items, that doesnt include very powerful magic items such as those from certain quest rewards, but weaker ones bought in a store or in a city are usually mass produced. Spell robes, rings, amulets, ect either they were created by a wizard and mass produced for many adventurers for profit, or they were made as a copy of a more powerful item (there are usually only one of this more powerful items, but very powerful wizards can create items on par or the same as the original) and mass produced and sold as that item. I have seen this in many Forgotten Realms games (especially evident in Baldur's Gate when it shows the history of the magic item).

Now, not going to put my opinion either for or against this, just giving this juicy bit of information concerning mass producing magic items. :)
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Post by Kregor » Fri Nov 11, 2005 9:21 pm

There is now, in the game an object flag for items which are suppsed to be unique. It has already been applied to the Faerdalian items I believe, as some who may have tried to wear two bracers of Faerdale since have found.

I would assume other items which should be "Unique", as in a person should ICly only expect to see one, will ultimately be coded, so you can't layer them on the same char.

Meanwhile, I would think the statement, "If you can only personally get it once" makes for a decent starting point, until such a time as more items are restricted in code.
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Twink clothing

Post by Hviti » Sat Nov 12, 2005 2:13 am

IMO not all doubles should be banned. I have doubles of necklaces and bracers on one of my characters. He doesn't wear them for twink purposes (he has items for those wear locations from other quests which are as good or better); he wears them because they match. As stated in another twink clothing thread, people seem to go around with mismatched twink armor all the time...different bracers for each bracer location and so on. Getting doubles is his way of NOT wearing a whole slew of different items, but if doubles of objects are disallowed then he'll end up doing exactly that.

Would it be allowable to wear doubles in cases such as this where they are worn to keep from wearing piecemeal twinkish looking armor, Dalvyn?

Edit: Here's the thread where several people disparaged rainbow armor. ... ht=glaring
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Post by Balek » Mon Nov 14, 2005 4:11 am

If we are not going to be allowed to have two identical items from the Arcane anymore, will some kind of program be considered whereby we can turn in one of our duplicate items for an alternate? I know a problem like this would be a pain for the imms, but it seems like a rather harsh punishment to effectively destroy an item that we've worked for despite the fact that there were no warnings that we should not purchase duplicates.

The situation is, in my mind, different from a situation in which someone is wearing two Faerdalian bracers because to get two of the bracers, two different people would have to do a quest that is not ICly able to be duplicated. The Arcane items could easily be legitimately duplicated by a single character, simply by buying two of them. It seemed reasonable to me when I bought the items that a mob who has set itself up as a merchant might have more than one of a particular type of item.
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Post by Travis » Wed Nov 16, 2005 4:42 am

I agree with Hviti on that one. Mainly because nothing is more of an eyesore than a player with mismatched twinkish armor.
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Post by Dalvyn » Wed Nov 16, 2005 7:35 pm

If you are genuinely interested in good looks, why not get a pair of matching non-magical bracers/rings?

You can still change to your less good-looking-but-more-twinkish/powerful clothing when needed.

Twink clothing

Post by Theillik » Wed Nov 16, 2005 8:06 pm

I believe that having too many magical items in any RPG can be detrimental to the game.

"Your character turns the corner and what do they see? Three warriors all wearing magical chainmail and brandishing magical swords. They must have ravaged the local magic hoard."

"Hey! Let's go down to the local magic shop and buy a whack of protection amulets, rings, boots, and other miscellaneous items!"

"That is amazing! They rewarded you with the same magical sword as they did me! Are you my long-lost twin?"

I think that when there are too many magical items, especially ones of the same type, then 'magic' itself becomes lame. There is no interest, no excitement, no mystery to 'magic'. If a GROUP of adventurers fight their way to earn ONE magical item, awe and wonder at the item's power strikes them, perhaps even envy.

Who wants...?

"Bah, big deal, I got two of those."?

"You're my friend, right? Could you go in the Undermountain to obtain a magical fire sword for me to use?" As if the location and frequency of magical swords was as available as ale in a dwarf's beard?

I would suggest that magical items be a hundred times more rare (with the exception of spells that PCs cast on items). I realize that this would be an almost-impossible task to accomplish, but, personally, I would find FK far more interesting if this were so.

"You are struck with awe, as the warrior draws a flaming broadsword. You reluctantly draw your own steel shortsword, 'It's gonna be one of those days.' "


"You laugh and giggle, as the warrior draws a magical, glowing sword. You exclaim 'You fought that ogre too!? Look! I have the same magical, glowing sword! Let's be friends.' :D "
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Post by Hviti » Thu Nov 17, 2005 1:00 am

Dalvyn wrote:If you are genuinely interested in good looks, why not get a pair of matching non-magical bracers/rings?

You can still change to your less good-looking-but-more-twinkish/powerful clothing when needed.
I tried putting a suit of RP armor (with matching non-magic bracers/rings/etc) and one of battle armor on one of my chars, but changing every time "when needed" came into play (when someone needed help, someone died, or a PK rp occurred, just to name a few scenarios) meant that I had to change his armor several times every time I logged on for any significant period of time. Each time, the changing would take some time - admittedly not over 5 minutesish that it would take to get to a stable, get out a horse, switch some bags, and change - during which my char would miss various and sundry happenings, get plenty of worried tells, and delay others. Because of this, I tried to switch him to a suit of matching magical armor so that'd he'd be able to help at pretty much any time. The easiest way to do this seemed to include getting doubles of things that could be worn in two locations (bracers, necklaces, and rings), as those would automatically match. Therefore, magical doubles seemed appropriate to allow for RP in matching armor as well as quick switching to other needed activities.
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Post by Travis » Thu Nov 17, 2005 1:51 am

Aye, it's much more convenient not to have to change armors constantly every time a situation arises. And I'd also like to match even when I'm off fighting things, just because I'm in combat doesn't mean I have to look like a fool in rainbow clothes.
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Post by Lathlain » Thu Nov 17, 2005 10:54 am

What I've taken to doing is to dress for roleplay constantly anyway - Whether it be in full armour or in silks for casual slouching. This has inconvenienced me in potential playerkill situations in the past, admitedly, but roleplay's roleplay. This does mean passing on the chance to go and single-handedly slay dragons, of course, but I couldn't justify being that strong IC by any means anyway, so that's fine by me!
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Post by Hviti » Fri Nov 18, 2005 1:32 am

Don't get me wrong, dressing for RP all the time is certainly very comendable...but why would this game be a MUD and why would there be powerful items if wearing or using such is discouraged because they are set to odd colors and people are stigmatized as twinks or powerlevelers for wearing them? Powerful items are worn/held by people in the FR world; magic items separate certain levels of adventurers by how much they have done and what they can do with the results of what they have done. And characters on FK do have compared levels of power.
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Post by Tretch » Mon Dec 12, 2005 5:44 pm

I think a problem that many builders need to start looking at when they are designing quests etc is that there is far to many magical goodies at times.

I think it would go far to cut down on twinkish armour if quests started giving out more unique items that are not necessarily magic or powerful. I have seen this some, but it is still not the norm.

I agree with Dalvyn almost completely. Code should be there to severely remind you not to have a full twink set of armour. Sadly, this will damage some RP for some characters... but this is always the case when fixing potential problems such as this.

Personally, I think Highly magical/powerful items should be given out only by deities... whether that be by supplication or RP, but hey, I usually am a rebel in my thoughts...

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A young male human looks at your claw, his eyes widen, "Wha-what is that on your claw?"
You look to the claw, stopping abruptly
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Post by Elenthis » Wed Dec 14, 2005 6:22 pm

While not stated in the way I think in, after re-reading hviti's last post, I think I agree to a point. As well do I agree with tretch's most recent post, so here's my rendition. Realism vs. Game? Majority vs. minorties? One kind of fun vs. another? Who and what is to decide what is real and what isnt...what is fun and what isnt? If there is a rule, how do we explain it ICly? How come so many people walk around with those darned amulets?
I think a good look should be taken at the reality vs. fun portion of the mud for a few before any major fixes are made. Like for example...look at someone wearing two faerdalian bracers, faerdalian leggings, faerdalian helm, a fardalian breastplate, and some faerdalian underwear...
That person clearly likes Faerdale. He works for the guard, he has tea with the king, whatever. I think that's excellent. If he actually bought the brastplate from bob, who doesnt play anymore, and he really bought the left boot from jill who hasnt logged in 6 months, then let him RP a non-special RP from faerdale. I dont really see a problem unless the builders are putting out easy-to-get uberweaponsofdoom ect. But there has to be (in my opinion) a black-and-white line drawn about magical items if there is going to be any destinction at all. I am not a big fan of the "Twink" word being used a isnt like many people log on and think to themselves "I think I'll ruin everything the coders and builders have built by being super-powerful in 30 minutes" So, to try to keep on topic, what I'm trying to say allllll at once is: Dont do

In my opinion: If it is in your role-play to have 2 items that look the same, I dont see a problem. If it is not: Dont do it.

Here's a question: If you have (random example) a bracer of blueness, would it be possible to have an immortal rename a non-magic bracer to match it? That way we are not only matching our items and being happy, but we are sacraficing our second wrist for a role-play item. Eh?

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